It was mere minutes later that the island came into clear view over the sleek flatness of the ocean and beneath the crystal clear skies. Stretching across for quite some distance, the shores were mostly similar to one another - patches of forests, greenery and sandy beaches lined the edges of the sea, while further in could be seen higher ground that presented a wider array of variation such as the whites and greys of snow and stone. The lay of the land rose sharply towards the islands center where amid barren brown crags, what appeared to be a large fortress stood looming over the nation. The sky above most of the island was as clear as it was out at sea for the most part, though what clouds there were seemed to be twisted and distorted into unnatural shapes as if some otherworldly writhing serpents were slowly creeping their way across it. Other than this however, there was very little unusual about the land. No fires, no destruction or smoke - no sign at all of the cataclysmic battle that by all accounts should rightfully still be taking place. Osen soon came into view - little more than a collection of wood and stone buildings forming a coastal village and dock, it was a modest settlement that couldn't possibly have more than a couple of hundred occupants. A handful of fishing boats bobbed serenely in the calm waters, some new and others looking as old as the 'Hand of Hope' that the Hunters had arrived on. To all intents and purposes, it appeared to be a quiet, unassuming place. Around this small settlement however was a great stone wall that soon came into clear view. Evidently there was something still considered dangerous enough to merit caution still lingering on this island. The walls extended well above even the tallest buildings and as the Hunters ship approached it would become aparrantly that a large number of soldiers were patrolling it - a disproportionate number, in fact. Armoured in iron plate and adorned with purple and yellow heraldry, most turned seawards to inspect the new arrival as it neared the shore. It was difficult to make out from the ship, but most seemed to be carrying spears or bows of some kind. [hr] [B]Osen - Aldergards Southwest Shore.[/b] [I]Mid Morning. First day.[/I] [Color=E0EEE0]"Here we are, Witch Hunters."[/color] Announced the same burly sailor that had called down to the initiates earlier as he stood to attention beside a gangplank that had been extended out to the villages dock. With loose white clothing and a dirty blue rag tied around his forehead, he extended a tanned, muscular arm landwards to becon the party onwards with a cocky but good natured smirk on his face. [Color=E0EEE0]"Luck by with ya'. Remember, we'll be departin' tomorrow mornin' and back in six days. Don't be late."[/color] The dock was well built from a good, solid wood connected to a clearly much older construct of stone, it seemed that it had recently undergone significant repairs and expansion. The town stretched out a little distance ahead, with the heads of the inhabitants turning with curious gazes as the Witch Hunters emerged. Several stopped in their tracks while others gasped and hurried away - evidently afraid of these new intruders. A sense of hostility descended on the region almost immediately - the background chatter dulling to a low hum as the air itself seemed to stand still, waiting to see what sort of events might take place. The Witch Hunters had come to Aldergard. The semicircular town was a simple one with a simply layout. Immediately in front of the Witch Hunters was the dock and the workers district where grimy wooden houses - some little more than shacks - housed the bulk of the villages poorer residents. Evidently these narrow dirt streets were home to the workers of the dock and its warehouses among its narrow turns and questionable smells. Beyond this, the bulk of the villages residents lived in more pleasant housing around the inner base of the great wall in houses of wood and stone - far from luxurious but with the comforts of personal space, glass windows and the like. Larger open spaces and lanterns hanging on the outside of the buildings here meant that it was both a safer and more pleasant place to live. In the very center of town was a small open-air market area with a number of stalls, surrounded by a handful of permanent shops and larger, stone dwellings where wealthier residents lived. A great stone road ran directly through all of this from the dock all the way to the great gate of the town. Waiting at the dock was an unusual sight however. Clad in black and gold plate mail beneath a long black leather coat not unlike that worn by the apprentices, was a woman. With a decorated saber hanging by her waist and an ornate crossbow across her back, she stood patiently - watching. Rather than the fear or amazement that the townsfolk seemed to display, she simply stoodwith a slight smile playing on her lips. Youthful and self assured with shoulder-length chestnut hair flicking slightly in the sea breeze, she almost looked out of place wearing such arms and armor, yet she kept her eyes fixed on the Hunters and their vessel. She made no attempt to approach the Witch Hunters, but also made no attempt to avoid them either.