[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8zIsOT6.jpg[/img][/center] As the pair stepped into the store, Tomoko was met with a question. "So, what do you do when you're not busy making all the leader boards say 'Tomoko-sama?' Are you a student or do you work?" [color=gold]"I'm a student, but I've been considering becoming a pro gamer as well. Seems like easy money."[/color] Once in the store, Tomoko made her way to the snack aisle. Convenience stores were a bit of a pain sometimes since they always seemed to move their items around, but more often than not, the stuff Tomoko wanted was in here...somewhere. Most of the time. However, it seemed this time wasn't the case. They'd moved the mints, the bastards. Now Tomoko had to figure out where those had gone. Luckily, it didn't take long to find them; they were by the counter now. Tomoko got in line behind Yutaro; seemed he was just one step ahead. He was now effectively the only thing standing between Tomoko and her target. "Yea that's...actually, I'll take these too." Yutaro had picked up a box of the very chocolate mints she had her eyes on. For a second, she thought perhaps he liked them too. If he did or not would remain a mystery, as he handed them off to her instead. "You said chocolate mints, right? I hope you like that brand." [color=gold]"Thank you."[/color] Once he paid, the two stepped out. Now then, the arcade, as the two had agreed on. Opening up the box of mints she'd been gifted with, Tomoko reached in and popped one into her mouth. Yummy. [hr] Ah, the arcade. This was where Tomoko was at her best, save behind the screen of her own computer. Many games to play, and she did her best to top the leaderboards for all of them. However, today was not a leaderboard day. Today, she was here to compete with another player, live, right there standing next to her. She'd already played everything here and hit the number-one spot at least once in each game, so it wouldn't be fair for her to just pick a game at random. For all she knew, she'd pick something Yutaro would be bad at, and that just wasn't in good sportsmanship at all. She'd let him pick, she decided. A small extra thanks for buying her the mints. [color=gold]"You can choose the game. Pick your poison."[/color] [@Takashi]