[h2]Alarethian Reunion Grand Council Palace, Rama[/h2] 3:50 Solar Time Despite Rama being a large and bustling city world, tonight almost the entire planet stared quietly at the news on newsboards, televisions, and Meditors; The Arcturan Empire was collapsing at this very moment. The Emperor was missing, or better yet, dead. Thousands of Arcturan military officers stationed in the sector were either quickly packing up their armies and fleeing, or trying desperately to maintain order, if they themselves weren't cowering in locked offices as thousands of righteous Alar'im quickly broke in. The grand council of the Alarethian government sat in their meeting room in absolute silence. Nobody dared to burst into the room and deliver the already obvious news of Arcturans demanding their people stand down, or how for the first time in over a hundred years, their brother Promethians were attempting contact. The grand display in the center of the room would've normally been beeping with the attempted communications; but it had been disabled entirely. The council, a thirty-something of well-dressed Alar'im with their hair's neatly braided, needed absolute silence to fully focus their mental communications with each other. One sat in a throne above them all, the Alar'im king Zackai Comer. "The binds have been lifted", An elder of the council communicated without words, "The few Arcturan military personnel are rapidly fleeing to Dehaka, Daruk, and Kali. We may use this opportunity to bolster our military might." A younger of the council zapped back "Are you mad, brother?! When the Arcturans in our system refortify, we will surely face retribution! We must immediately calm the people!" The link between the council men soon became rickety and uncontrollable, all the council outraging at top volume, yet not a single one's thoughts were actually heard. The only one who remained silent and calm was the king, dressed in regal golden robes and wielding a golden staff. With a single pound on the ground, the entire council's mental link silenced. "We must remain calm. Our people themselves are too panicked, possessed by uncontrollable rage. We must keep our wits if we will overcome this." The king pushed a button on his throne's arm, enabling the projector in the center of the room. "First, we shall listen to the Arcturan's." The projector in the center of the room shot a large blue projection onto the wall above the doorway into the room in front of it, and a single man in the dark clothing worn by Arcturan officers in that sector stared sternly. "Your highness", he started with a gruff acknowledgement, "I am aware that your people are rioting to the recent news that the Emperor is currently absent. If you do not enforce order, you and your council will be removed from power, and suffer life imprisonment, and we will fully take over your system." The council was silent, yet once again the king calmly replied "Friend Agath, I'm afraid you have no authority. Wasn't it order of the Emperor himself that you, while you warden for any threats we may plan, may NOT attack without his absolute will?", Agath grit his teeth and replied "The Emperor is only temporarily absent. In that time, any wardens of border systems may act on their own judgement." "But what actions can you take? Your generals and officers are fleeing in droves to uncharted western space, and many more are being forced out of power by both angry civilians, and Alar'im guards." The king humbly smiled at the last statement, much to the anger of Agath. "You're SUPPORTING this uproar?" "Not an uproar, an attack. I assure you, many of your generals are merely being imprisoned, the others, on the other hand, are the one's who's fate we have no direct power over." Agath's anger exploded now. "You'll pay for this!" He snapped before shutting off the communications.