[hider=Reynard] NAME -Reynard Woodwose AGE -262 Years Old GENDER -Male APPEARANCE -Like most ghouls Reynard has a slight “skin problem”-large chunks having literally rotted off his now reddish brown shriveled skin. Due to his medical condition Reynard looks somewhat thin and lithe-a look that compliments his slightly smaller stature. Standing at about 5'8” he is usually found wearing the same scarlet uniforms that all members of the Order adorn themselves in. Unlike some soldiers Reynard takes great pride in both how his uniform and his outwards appearance-even going as far as wearing wigs and applying large quantities of what a local saleswoman claims is “his shade of cover up.” It is rather apparent that Reynard longs to look just like everyone else: especially his King that he holds in such high regards. [img]http://i.imgur.com/51WA3X3.jpg?1[/img] PERSONALITY -Not only is Reynard extremely loyal but he is also very outspoken against those who oppose the Order in any way whatsoever: on more then one occasion he has challenged a fellow Orleans resident to a duel over insults to his King. To those who favor the crown however Reynard is somewhat polite and kind; often doing his best to imitate the obviously upper class. Despite his best attempts to dress himself up when it finally comes down to it Reynard is first and foremost a soldier; battle being one of the few constants in his life since prior to the bombs even falling. More then a lifetime ago he was known by another name: Chang Wukan; a member of the Covert Overseas Infiltration Unit. This man, who lived in a world full of abundance and potential, was trained from birth to lead a double life. He would be given the lifelong assignment of fooling the world around him into thinking that he was in fact the one thing he despised most. Because of this he grew up guarded both socially and physically, quickly mastering both the effectiveness of a gun and a smile. Despite having lived among the enemy for years he held no love for his red white and blue compatriots; sabotaging them every chance he could clear up until the year 2077. To this day he can be a somewhat quite individual. FACTION -The Order BIOGRAPHY -Born in the year 2047 to a pair of parents he never had the fortune of meeting Reynard, who at the time was known as Chang, was quickly made property of the state just like so many other thousands of boys and girls at the time. Raised to put his country above all else Chang was practically the poster child for indoctrination; from the time he could walk and talk his days had been filled with learning one espionage trick after the other along with the basics of wilderness survival and hit and run tactics. Oddly enough he was also never taught to read, write, or speak chinese-as a deep cover operative it was always the intention that he would be planted in America as an undercover agent and because of this the powers that be believed it was in his (and more importantly, their) best interest that he seemed “as american as possible.” Which in reality meant not even being able to utter a word of Chinese under the duress of torture. By the time Chang had turned Eighteen he had spent the better part of fifteen years training day in and day out for his inevitable mission overseas: a mission he was finally givein the honor of undertaking on his nineteenth birthday; three weeks before he turned twenty he was taking his first tentative steps on American soil (having been dropped off covertly by a submarine.) His assignment was actually rather simple and rather broad on how he could tackle the job-basically he was to sow as much dissent among New Orleans as he could before his Identity was discovered; upon having his identity revealed his following orders were to retreat to a pre established safe house within the thick bog to the East and perform as many acts of guerrilla warfare as he could before being subdued by American forces. Over the years Chang, who lived in New Orleans under the alias of Dr. Woodwose, did a a rather splendid job of mucking things up in general. Not only did he infiltrate the local shipping yards on a weekly basis to misdirect and disrupt shipments of all sorts of goods but he also made sure to prescribe his own special blend of drugs that made all of his patients (which numbered in the hundreds) violently mad. In the year 2046 Changs cover was completely blown-a committee of highly advanced intellectuals rooting out not only his identity but hundreds of other undercover agents across the country. Luckily one of his peers who was rather high up in the medical community got wind of all of this prior to anyone coming after or accusing the supposed Dr. Woodwose-of course Chang quickly dispatched his would be savior and bugged out for the local bayou as per his orders-naturally he set the entire hospital on fire before leaving. The next year of his life was spent boobytrapping the surrounding area of the small two man bunker he now called home; located deep within the bayous just outside New Orleans it was the ideal spot for a man trying to lay low. Little did he know that in the following year it would also come to save his life. In the year 2077 he was awoken with a start one day-the small concrete structure he called home underground literally shaking as the world above was bathed in atomic fire. Assuming his great nation had dealt a final blow to the enemy Chang was overjoyed-immediatley he hopped on his computer console, the one that was to be used in the event that Chang was ready for extraction, and input his verification codes. After confirming his identity the message read as follows-the words seared into his brain to this very day: “You have done well to get this far, agent Chang. With deepest regret, however, your life must now be terminated for the good of the Peoples Republic. Go with dignity, honored solider!” Before Chang had even finished reading the sentence a thick green cloud of smoke began pouring out of the very same vents that were used to filter and clean oxygen from the world topside-he didn't need to breathe any in to know what would happen if he did. He was well aware that whatever he did next would decide if he lived or died-and with all the mysterious gas closing in around him he chose to take his chances above ground. He thought perhaps if he let the gas air out of the bunker hatch while he waited above ground he could eventually return to the safety that was down below. By the time the five families journeyed to what Chang still recognized as New Orleans he was a completely different man; years of fighting for survival among not only the constantly mutating creatures but growing raider gangs as well had turned him into a ruthless hunter, overtime even learning to live off the very land itself while avoiding the previously mentioned threats. Not only had Chang started calling himself by a different name (assuming his old undercover alias of Reynard Woodwose) but he also phsyically changed a great deal over the years; the almost constant exposure to radiation having ghoulified him years before he would come to know what a ghoul even was. For years he just thought he was a freak of nature; some undying old world spirit left to rot in this hell for his hand in causing its creation. S.P.E.C.I.A.L - [40 points - Maximum of 10] STRENGTH -4 PERCEPTION -4 ENDURANCE -4 CHARISMA -7 INTELLIGENCE -10 AGILITY -6 LUCK -5 PERKS - [Up to Three] -Hunter -Laser Commander -Computer Whiz OTHER -Like all ghouls Reynard has the unique ability to not only be immune to radiation but is actually healed by the normally deadly exposure. He also has vast knowledge of Orleans itself both pre and post war. [/hider]