[hider=S.S.R Encrypted Database] Click Below to access de-classified file of S.S.R Agent Theo [hider=Click Here] [center] [h2]Theo Hue[/h2] Appearance: [/center] [img]http://www.photographersgallery.com/i/full/germanboy.jpg[/img] Alias: Affiliation: S.S.R, (Hydra, CIA,) Rank: (Leave this blank until Accepted) Gender:Male Weight:141 Height:5,8 Eye Color: Brown In-Depth Psych Report: There isn't much to say about agent Theo accept that he is quiet. He doesn't say much, and when he does speak it's usually for the mission. He doesn't care about anything else. Never giving way to his emotions, never showing his hand, It's how he survives, looking through you with cold black eyes, never letting you know how he feels, IF he feels, because he's not about feeling, he's about logic and reason. He'll always be analyzing the situation and he'll always be calculating for the next thing he does, that's just how he is. He doesn't mean anything by it, couldn't if he wanted to. While boosting his efficiency, his lack of empathy at times can be very worrying at times when others are around him but they don't have anything to worry about, he always does his job well. Biography Report: Agent Theo Hue grew up in an illegal fight club in Germany, his father had put him up to make quick and easy money after he injured himself at his construction job. Through time, Theo became a rather proficient fighter, no classical skill but he had a knack for reading the room and planning accordingly so he always managed something despite his size. Eventually he garnered a name for himself in the underground and by the time he was fourteen, he was taking down a few of the older men though it always took time. Eventually, his reputation caught the eye of a certain group that needed young people to conscript into their ranks, people with talent who could be properly melded into a fighting machine. Hydra approached him with an offer and he took with that blank stare he always had. Soon, he was being trained to use his strength more efficiently, skills and martial arts he had never heard of before. Conditioning and reinforcement, it was he had signed up for. He had never thought his life had much meaning so this change felt rather new. Year after year, he had the fighting style beaten into him until he was ready. After training, he went on a number of missions, taking out people he didn't know and killing off people he didn't care about, all the time keeping his detached expression. Now known as Paladin, Theo ended up assassinating a number of different people, leaving behind a trail of bodies. His days as a Hydra agent came to a stop abruptly during a mission where he clashed with shield. The full details were never specified but after the altercation he dropped off the face of the earth. Shield found him and had him enter into an agreement where the charges for his crimes would be dropped if he allied himself with Shield. He did so and stayed on with them even after the system failed, his motivation for doing being shrouded in mystery. Abilities: Martial Arts Specialist: Theo's specialty is hand-to-hand combat, he's trained his whole life and gained numerous experiences through countless battles to get to where he is now. He is cold and ruthless in his technique, being deceptively strong . While he seems lean, he's actually all hard, toned muscle beneath his baggy sweater. Fast, deadly, and incredibly efficient, Theo can and will take down anyone who gets in his way without fail. Weapons: Is proficient with most guns though he rarely needs them and is quite capable in most forms of armed combat. Essentially, he doesn't really carry anything on him besides a standard issue pistol and other such equipment. [/hider] [/hider] Okay, so I know he's shrouded in mystery ICly but I'll answer any questions you need to know to get the game started, no worries.