[@Delta44] West was enthralled in her story about the light and dark Gaia. He was interested in history and the start of the world himself. Wondering which stories about the start of this world was true. He had heard simple stories about the light and dark Gaia before and it seemed like the most likely explanation to their world, but there were to many holes and questions he had about it to really think it true himself. That was until now. Vivianne's explanation was more in depth than any of the other stories he had heard about them. She told it with absolute certainty as well. There was very little if no hint of doubt to the truth she told. He had to take it in for a moment to be able to find the words to describe her story. [b]"Well I think it was great. I've heard stories before, but none as good or detailed as that one. I've wondered about our beginnings, but very few have been able to give a good answer before. Maybe you can teach me more of the ways of the Gaia sometime. I'd actually really like to hear more about them and their teachings."[/b] He was genuinely interested to hear more about both the light and the dark Gaia. He was interested in religious things, but his family and this world wasn't as interested. It might have come as a passing thought to them, but it always did just that, passed. They were too worried about surviving and defeating the grimm to take time for religion. Plus with Dust there were no need for gods or higher beings to do work for us. Humans had to fend for themselves. He also wondered things like why the dark Gaia would make such a destructive force as the grimm, but what would the world be like if there were only grimm? He certainly had a lot to take in. Some of it new. Some he had thought about before. [b]"'The Four Seasons' is a good story, but there's no way that's true. Plus I thought yours was better."[/b] The title Shrine Maiden struck his mind now. [i]That sounds like a relatively peaceful title. How did she come to be a warrior?[/i] Since they were already picking each others brains. [b]"So how did you come to be a warrior? Correct me if I'm wrong, but Shrine Maidens don't sound like they would be warriors. Do they actually teach you to fight at your shrine? And is that where you got your weapon?"[/b]