[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/KAeOzn9.png[/img] [h1][color=ed1c24]~Unending Beat!~[/color][/h1] [/center] End of the night Everything seemed to be nice, and most of the students were having a good time despite the enforced communal lodging. However, everything is destined to end and fun times aren’t any different. [b]“It’s past curfew time, cut that already and go sleep! There are futons and blankets lined up there, get yours and stop fuzzing around.”[/b] Some of the teachers came and commanded the remainder of the students to go sleep, while others set out a curtain to separate the girls and boys, while beckoning the students who were already asleep to their respective sides of the auditorium. No other activity, save from going to the toilets, or getting some water would be tolerated from now on and any student foolish enough to disobey the rules would be awarded with a trip to the Principal’s office, first thing in the morning. [center]• • •[/center] The following morning As soon as the first rays of a new dawn wash over the auditorium, the teachers beckon the students awake, and send them back to the dormitories, so that everyone can get ready for the new day. [b]“You’re dismissed, go back to your rooms to bathe and get some fresh clothes before breakfast, but don’t dilly-dally around the school grounds, you know the consequences of being caught during irregular activities during curfew time.”[/b] One of the teachers said in a stern voice, as he beckoned the students outside. [b]“Also, don’t forget to check the bulletin board, there are some new notes there.”[/b] On the bulletin board right outside the auditorium a few freshly printed sheets of paper were pinned over the older stack of outdated notes. Their content was the following: [hider=Welcome!] [i]Through this one we wish a warm welcome to the newest transfer students. Your belongings have already been delivered at your rooms. If there’s anything else that you may need or any doubts left behind, please don’t hesitate to bring them to the Student Council President and we will try to solve it as quickly as possible. - The Student Council.[/i] [/hider] [hider=Dormitory Rearrangement] [i]For administrative reasons, the following students are to stay on the following rooms from now on. Your belongings have already been delivered at the rightful place. Thank you for your comprehension. - The Student Council[/i] [h3][color=ed1c24]Room Pairings[/color][/h3] [i] Room 00: Prez Akuma & Harumi Shizuka & Akemi Masuko Room 34: Dana & Boss & Ellie Room 22: Eiko Kurosawa & Kanadeko & Rikka Takane Room 41: Shiba Akabane & Yoshiro Miyamoto & Tetsuya Nakano Room 96: Sakura Aoba & Akio Shiazaka & Akira Hato [/i] [/hider] [hider=School Schedule] [h3][color=ed1c24]School Schedule[/color][/h3] [i] 06:00 Wake up time 07:00 Breakfast 08:00 Morning Classes 11:00 Lunch 12:00 Afternoon Classes 15:00 Club Activities/Free Time 18:00 Dinner 19:00 Free Time 20:00 Curfew 22:00 Lights-out *Notes: - There's no Afternoon Classes on Saturdays. - Sundays are Free the whole day long, though the curfew is lowered to 19:00.[/i] [/hider] [center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/BFRhrcP.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/dJQV3Dc.png[/img] [/center] [center][i][color=fff200] "This is all very strange." [/color][/i][/center] Those were Harumi's first thoughts as soon as woke up that morning, yesterday she was even tempted to believe that she was dreaming, and once she woke up again, she would be back to the pitiful life that was all she knew of. Yet, the truth of the matters was only one and so Harumi quickly put her brain to work. [color=fff200]"It's too big a coincidence that I'm on this list, plus they mention transfer students which must mean that I'm not the only one in this situation. I should assume that the people on this list have the greatest likelihood of being like me."[/color] Harumi paused when a chill wind caused her to shiver as well as notice the fact that she really was in need of a hot bath, like most, around here. With her only contact around curiously being the very same Council President, the best she could do was to try and find this Akemi, before they could go to wherever their room is bathe. [color=fff200]"Hey, Karasu,"[/color] Harumi said to Akuma, [color=fff200]"Help me find that Akemi Masuko person, so that you can show us where our room is. Despite whatever, I'm tired and could really use a bath and some clean clothes. Also, I have lots of things to ask you, but I bet we'll have plenty of time for it since we will be roomies from now on, huh?"[/color] With that said, Harumi began to try to find Akemi, first and foremost by calling her name [color=fff200]"Akemi Masuko-san? Akemi Masuko-san? This is Harumi, one of your new roommates, please come meet us near the bridge to the main grounds."[/color] [color=fff200]"Ok, Karasu, what are you waiting for? Things won't fall on your hands if you just stand and pray let's go to that bridge and meet our new roommate."[/color] Harumi said as she picked Akuma's hand and dragged her away to the bridge. [hr] [center][@TheWindel], [@liferusher], [@PURRfect93], [@Lucius Cypher], [@WaddleDaisy], [@Jangel13], [@Pudding], [@GrafRoy Zeppeli], [@Vocab], [@Spriggs27][/center]