Something was on the Captain's mind. As he was going to talk the the DJ, he noticed Nai... He noticed how he walked, oh so- sternly. It seemed that he was upset. He walked right into one of the massage clinic's. Too much stress? Doubt it. Nai seemed so happy just an hour ago. This crappy drama really started to bother him. [b]"Here's to forgetting that, too."[/b] He muttered quietly, to no one in particular, yet talking about everything happening that day, and finished his drink, again. He pulled out the few sheets he still had in his pocket. All yellow and frayed from when he first copied these. When he first got this job. When he thought he was such a "player". He hit his head against the table several times muttering, [b]"Idiot, idiot, idiot"[/b] He wasn't even sure if the papers had anything to do with the problem. He slid his head so that he could see the faces of the shark and Kevin. Only for a moment, but he didn't see much. He slid off his chair, and said to the bartender, [b]"Put the drink of mine, and the other guy's, on my tab."[/b] For the first time he noticed other people in the bar. And quite an interesting fellow, looking at a photo album and sipping, he thought about talking to him, but he'd just ruin another vacation, [i]3 down, so many more to go[/i], he thought. He began walking to the hut Nai was in, hoping for once, he could fix a broken relationship. He always had problems with long-term relationships, anyways. He just didn't want any more ruined vacations. Woo. Vacations.