Kyle expected another verbal lashing, an ass kicking, or at the very least a 'Get out', but instead when he felt his hair being ruffled and his body pulled into hers for a hug he felt relieved; he thought he'd really fucked up big time. The DJ apologized too, not wanting whatever was going on between them to end over something so petty. When she brought her fingers over his fresh cuts, he felt the sting of them, but the girl's touch was gentle enough that he could tolerate it. [color=Gold]"Jesus, he really did a number on you, you should probably rinse those. There's a first aid kit in the bathroom, if you need to use it."[/color] [color=LimeGreen]"I think between the rain and your hosing shenanigans my wounds are cleaned out well enough,"[/color] he smirked at the girl before looking down to her hand clutching her shirt, he could just barely see it but the familiar red was there. [color=LimeGreen]"Let me see that,"[/color] he asked, reaching for her hand, she let him and he examined the blood dripping from the finger, it was just beginning to coagulate so it was fairly fresh, [color=LimeGreen]"This we should definitely get cleaned up though, come on, you can lead the way."[/color] The bathroom was just across the store and they passed by the entrance to get to it. For just a brief moment, Kyle looked out the window to see if Nick was still there, only to be filled with disappointment to find out that he wasn't, [i]"Stupid bastard..."[/i] Maybe there was just something Kyle wasn't understanding as to why Nick didn't come in if he liked Nori so at least apologize after she had apologized to him...maybe he'd meet the youth someday and be able to ask him, maybe not it didn't matter at this point. Once Nori had lead them to the bathroom she began to wash her hands in the sink while Kyle located the first aid kit in the room, pulling a couple of band aids, one for him, one for her. Once she had finished, Kyle had her sit down on the toilet and he knelt in front of her and carefully applied the bandage to her finger so as to cause as little discomfort as possible. Still feeling somewhat guilty he said, [color=LimeGreen]"Sorry again...for all that...Are you going to be alright? I didn't get you fired did I?"[/color] He suddenly remembered that last bit from when she scolded him, he really didn't want to be the cause of destroying her livelihood. [@Narcotic Dollie]