Florence was quite upset to reach the top and find Dazz waiting for him. He was sure she would make him fill the cracks he made, but she must have been too busy to notice them. She had a lot to handle, especially today it seemed. [b]"Yes ma'am. I'll help clean up Borrick and this mess. And apologize to that girl as well."[/b] Flor walked over to the old bot mechanic and began to clean him up. [b]"You'll be ok. We'll get most of this off you before it dries. You didn't lose anything in the cement did you. It'll be easier to find it before it dries."[/b] The mans words weren't making much sense yet as he was still sobbing over the incident. Flor would apologize to the girl later if he had time. Work came first and she would get over the situation. All the others did anyways. Dazz's word was as good as law though, and when he got the chance he would appologize to her. [b]"Alright let's try again Bor, you've got all of your stuff right?"[/b] This time Flor was able to make out the word wrench through the old man's sobs. He knew about the mechanics enchanted wrench, everyone knew about it. It was certainly a reason to cry if any at losing that. Flor reached into the pile of drying cement and managed to pull out the wrench. Borrick's sobs quickly began to subside as he handed it to him. [b]"Take care of this. I know you already do, but keep an eye out for the things around you too."[/b] Flor ignored the cement on his hand as he wasn't going to be able to wipe it all of before it dried. He began to shovel the wet cement and dump it into a bucket. It was ruined now that it was hardening outside of a mold. The job steadily got harder as the cement dried and Flor helped hack away at the extra pieces.