[b]"Wait the others have not been found yet?[/b]" Booker said a little shocked, and Quinn replied, [i]"Yeah, I was the first one! You're lucky I didn't rat you out when I had the chance."[/i] she laughed a little as they made their way back to the campsite. In her pocket her phone vibrated signaling the receiving of a text message. Hopefully it wasn't Sean trying to be creepy. Letting go of Booker's hand she reached into her pocket and read that it was from Amelia. [quote]To: Quinn From: Amy At the camp, come meet us here so we can find Ryan and Harry![/quote] [i]"Oooh, she found Sean!"[/i] Quinn exclaimed, putting the phone back into her pocket without replying. They would be back to the campsite soon anyways. [i]"You ever think Sean and Amy could get together? I always thought they'd be a cute couple."[i] Quinn admitted to Booker, as they reached the edge of the forest to see the clearing. Sean and Amy waiting patiently at the other side. [i]"Good job!"[/i] the girl called, giving a grin to Amelia for finding Sean. [i]All we have left now is Ryan and Harry."[/i] she repeated the mission they were all now starting on.