Nick clucked his tongue at Lara's reproach. "You're a killjoy, you know that? Suck the fun out of everything." His apocalyptic adventure had gotten a lot less interesting since he'd met Lara, that was certain - suddenly, his day-to-day had become less 'how many zombies can I kill with this chainsaw' and more 'oh no, where are we going to find food and stuff, bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh.' That was unfair, though - he liked the girl well enough, and they'd been through more than a few interesting spots together. The same applied to all of them - good people, if a little boring. He'd stick with them until they got where they were going. Marcus's words, however, intrigued him considerably more. "I heard walkers! Walkers in the town! I'm in. I am [i]so[/i] in." Immediately, the man dashed back to his tent and began tossing his meager possessions into a bag, hurriedly pulling a shirt over his still-bare chest, emerging backpack in hand just as Lex brought up the issue of food. Nick cleared his throat in response and raised his hand. "Um, yeah, I don't think we've really got enough food for a three-course meal, and dining etiquette's kinda gone out the window since our brains got put on the menu. I vote everyone just shovel some grub in them on the way." Nick fell silent for a moment, somewhat regretting his words - he didn't know Lex very well, but it was obvious that food was important to him, and his seeming obsession with keeping the group fed may have just been some way of coping with... something. "Hey, chin up. Maybe we'll find a five star restaurant you can pillage for ingredients or something, whip us up a big victory feast." His conscience mollified, he addressed the rest of the group, swinging his axe wildly to and fro. "I get dibs on the first one we see. No, first three. I'm calling it now. Dibs. If we run into a big group everyone just stay together and remember, you don't have to outrun them, you just have to outrun Johnny." Nick chuckled at his own joke.