[@Delta44] West was glad to hear that Vivianne would be willing to teach him more about the Twin Gaiae. In fact she seemed almost excited to teach him more about it. He wasn't so sure about searching the archives though. There was a lot there and it sounded like she was more sure of herself in knowledge of the Gaiae than the archives. The Shrine Maidens were obviously very capable and it would make sense that they needed other jobs in this world. Even spending the time they do on religion would probably warrant looks of disgust. The world was at relative peace now, but no one cared about the beings that helped bring it about. They only cared about the beings that could take it away. He makes a mental note of fighting or training around the Light Gaia was disrespectful. He was interested to hear she also trained outside of the Vale walls, but in the forest instead unlike him. He also learned his skills from elders of sort, and most of his skills had to be honed on his own. He watched in amazement as she pulled the massive sword around her. She did it slowly and with complete control. It was quite nearly as big as she was and it looked like she could wield it as a shortsword. Maybe that was the next step in West's training. He had always worked on his legs for power and only kept enough muscle in his arms to keep his lance steady. This still required a lot of work, but if he could wield his lance like a rapier, how much more effective would he become. Durandal was a rather stoic name. Durandal certainly looked like a legendary sword and the story behind backed up that appearance. The modifications were rather impressive as well. Sort of similar to West's lance, but short ranged rather than long ranged. He was surprised to actually see a round larger than the ones he used. They were custom made, but it was easier for his family. His father was a successful dust salesman. [b]"No you're fine talking. I like hearing things. Things can be quite exciting quite often. Especially when worthy to be spoken of. Anyways my dad is a dust salesman in Vale. No where near the power of the Weiss family, but we are pretty well off. He probably would have wanted me to take over the family business, or probably still does, but I think he gave up on that dream long ago. I was much to excited to run around as a kid. I was a smart kid too, well booksmart anyways. My teachers hated me because I would finish a test before the other students and dismiss myself to run around the room a few times. It annoyed them even more when my tests had good marks. Anyways my father realized I needed an outlet for my energy if I was going to keep up with studies. That's where my uncle comes in. My uncle became a hunter instead of getting involved in the business. He's quite the expert with his spear, and he began to teach me how to fight as an outlet. It worked a little too well. Soon I began to enjoy the training much more than studying. I kept my grades high enough to satisfy my dad while spending all of my free time training. My uncle only taught me how to use a spear, but I praciced the basic jab with a spear the most. I soon found that a torquing motion worked best to penetrate deeper into objects. I also found that a spear wasn't the best tool for this, so using materials I bought and the tools in my dads shop I constructed my own Lance."[/b] At this time he brought his lance out from behind him. It was shorter and stocky for a moment, only reaching from the floor to his head while sitting, but at the push of a button the length doubled, shooting up into a nine foot lance with a three foot pole. Three veins circled the lance several times running from the tip to the bottom. He quickly retracted it again, not wanting to draw to much attention to himself. [b]"It also has a motor and rapidly spins to add even more power too it. I'm pretty proud of it. I actually learned more of my particular fighting style on my own time in the quarry. I also practiced outside of Vale walls, but I was in the old dust quarry. I saw a joust at a fair once and figured out how I could apply their power. I bought a retractable shield there as well and the next time I went to the quarry I practiced a new technique."[/b] He quickly extended and retracted his shield exposing his orange coloring with a black and white spiral in the center. [b]"It worked really well for me. Since I had always been running around I had the speed to really complement this style. I trained a lot to get faster and more accurate. One day my uncle brought me these boots. Their dust powered and they give an explosive burst. I loved bouncing around in them obliterating rocks all day, but my uncle saw that if I wanted to fight I would need to be accurate. We soon began training on pebbles instead of boulders. He would throw it and I would have to destroy it before it hit the ground. I was soon even unstoppable at this, but I realized I wouldn't be able to reach some targets if they were very far off. I again took my lance to my dads shop and made some more modifications."[/b] With another push of a button his lance spun into position and the hilt folded over. The hilt formed the butt-stock while parts of the lance slid away to reveal a scope inside of it and opposite parts separated to reveal the trigger mechanism. The large chunk of the tip receded into the lance leaving a flat hole on the end of it. [b]"This is my sniper he proudly stated. The rounds are pretty large as well, so it only holds four at a time, including the tip."[/b] He pulled out one of the rounds showing her a drill shaped round that was slightly smaller than her own. [b]"It's custom made like your own, but it's pretty easy for me at my dad's shop. I could probably make some of yours as well if you'd like. Mine works a lot different than yours too. It'll put a hole in just about anything, but it'll only do just that. The last mod that we put on her was another small resevior of explosive dust in the hilt. Just a little something for even more speed."[/b] West had also realized he had just given his whole lifestory and probably could have summarized parts of it. [i]She really probably doesn't care about your training. She does her own training too.[/i] Taking a quick breath after his long winded speech he finally finished it. [b]"Sorry, I get excited over weapons. I think you can tell a lot about a person from them, but yeah there's my lifestory now. I hope it didn't bore you to much."[/b]