Yoshiro could barely get any sleep last night mostly cause of uncertainty and the noises outside and inside the Gymnasium. Shiro was kind of hoping that he was inside some kind of bad dream that would end as soon as he wakes up, but instead, when he woke up in the morning he was still this...realm if you can call it that. Nevertheless...Shiro decided to just go along with it and check out the school bulletin to see what was for breakfast while he was look through the note he caught found a name dorm room page. [i]Room 41: Shiba Akabane & Yoshiro Miyamoto & Tetsuya Nakano[/i] [color=FireBrick]"Wait am i supposed to attended classes?"[/color] Shiro asked out loud as he was planning on just stealing a bite to eat, it, however, seems that the afterlife got other plans for him. Shiro then yawns as mention before he hadn't had much sleep last night. [color=FireBrick]"Screw that, even if i wanted to return to class I'm too tired to learn.[/color]" He honestly told himself, nevertheless he decided to wait up for his probable roommates.