[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PDj5Tqh.png[/img] [@KoL][@TheWindel] Akemi had slept peacefully throughout the night, with little to no disturbance bothering her in the slightest, the lily continued to remain being on her lap even as was woken up. Akemi felt a hand on her shoulder as she started to open her eyes to looked up to see the teacher that made her move out of the piano room, this time he had a gentle and calming voice to her. [color=ed1c24]"Hey. Wake up, you need to get back to your dorm."[/color] The teacher had said to her, taking his hand off of Akemi as she fully opened her eyes up. The teacher had started to walk away as Akemi looked down to her lap slightly, the flower had died in her sleep, no longer being full of color, which upset Akemi. [color=bc8dbf][i]Everything around me dies, my dignity, my hope, even this beautiful flower. What is the point of living any longer.[/i][/color] Akemi said as she had barely any emotion in her eyes, she stood up from the ground and headed towards the notice board outside. Akemi's walking was slightly off, as her eyes were grayed out, she continued to have Persephone on her mind. She wanted to see her again, she wanted to play piano with her again, she needed to confirm that Persephone was a real person. [color=bc8dbf][i]Persephone...![/i][/color] Akemi had continued to think to herself with the name, the name of the person that she wished to see again. Akemi stood in front of the notice board, then noticing that her name was on there next to two other names. [color=bc8dbf][i]Prez... Akuma...[/i][/color] Akemi first read. [color=bc8dbf][i]Harumi... Shizuka...[/i][/color] She finished reading, she took a look at the room name one final time, to see 00. [color=bc8dbf][i]Is it possible to have such a name with a room?[/i][/color] Akemi finally thought, but then heard her name being called out by a female voice. [color=bc8dbf]"I'm being called out?"[/color] Akemi whispered to herself, before turning her head to where it was coming from, her eyes were no longer dull as she stood up straight. [color=bc8dbf]"Masuko, what a disgusting last name."[/color] Akemi said before she walked through the crowd, heading the direction that the voice came from. Akemi calmly walked towards the bridge, eventually seeing the girl on stage earlier, and a completely unknown person at that. Akemi planted a smile on her face, the two of them actually didn't look threatening at the very least, but she knew that authority that the student council president had over the students. [color=bc8dbf]"Hello, my name is Akemi Masuko. Pleasure to meet you two."[/color] Akemi smiled to the both of them kindly. [/center]