[@VoiD] The Reach has a shitload of vassal houses. The Tarlys are going to be a pretty significant one (predominantly fighters/generals), as well as perhaps other cadet branches of the Tyrell family that still live on- the Tyrells of Brightwater Keep still exist, and would definitely be something worth playing with if you wanted to be a close vassal to The Reach. I will add, the letter that Gris would send back would go to Garland at Tumbleton, as they swing by en route to King's Landing. My next post has been pre-planned with Manatee- and while there is a lot to be edited still, it'll definitely be a big moment for both Crakehall and Tyrell families, both direct and indirect. ([@Apoalo], trust me, we're going to sort it, you already know about who and who is being involved, so it shouldn't be a worry for yourself).