[@rechonq] "No, not at all! I'm a bit of a weapons maniac myself." It was strange, hearing those words from one with a voice generally associated with soft-spoken idols or Angels. "That's impressive, how you taught yourself. I was tutored by two different instructors -- my father, as well as another hunter who helped me get into Beacon -- and I never really did much of my own training. They say I have lots of natural talent, though." [i]'... But natural talent generally doesn't kill other people, does it...?'[/i] Strangely, she gulps, shaking her head as though shaking off a bad thought (which, in all actuality, she was). "Your history is rather interesting, West. I simply trained and tended to the shrine until I was ready for Beacon." A lie, though it was practically impossible to figure it out. She'd remained perfectly composed throughout! "At least I have stories to help make my own background at least partly interesting." She chuckles. Just as she finishes saying this, the teachers on stage begin their announcements. She was completely focused on the teachers' introductions. However, as Yang made her appearance, Vivianne gasps. "That's... incredible. Yang Xiao Long is going to be one of our teachers?" She asks herself, staring at the golden shot-gauntlet user with heavy admiration. "Amazing... They're all amazing...! This year - it's going to be interesting, I just know it. We'll be out fighting Grimm in no time soon enough if these are our teachers."