[i]5 Years ago[/i] “We have a breach in the containment section!” Yelled the security guard “Get Tolfey down here immediately!” The head of security Tolfey burst through the double doors a face full of panic and fear. “What’s happened?! How the hell did he wake up? He’s been in a medically induced coma for 125 years and he wakes up now? How?!” The security guard pointed at a man or what was left of him. “What’s left of that fella right there is the reason Joshua escaped. He’s been working as night staff for about a year now. Than he suddenly comes down here to Joshua’s cell and blows himself up!” The security guard looked through the cleaners file handing it to Tolfey “Says in his file that he was an adept, he was able to control electricity. But this explosion was not electrical.” Tolfey’s arm suddenly began burning looking at his wrist he saw a red symbol glowing fiercely. “Shit! He made it to the second level. Okay seal off this area, bring forensics in and find out why the hell this man exploded. I’ve got to deal with Joshua, he should still be weak from all the drugs we’ve been pumping into him.” Tolfey took a shortcut to the area that he knew Joshua would have to pass through in order to escape. Just as he reached it Joshua was passing around the corner. The two now face to face. Joshua smiled at Tolfey. “Ah Tolfey. Been a long time hasn’t it? I suppose you came to stop me? Well I don’t think you can, but you can try if you want to.” Tolfey didn’t even wait for the man to finish tapping several symbols on his biceps and fists he was suddenly imbued with great strength and agility, his fists now aflame. He struck Joshua many times in the chest he dodged back as the symbols power wore off. Joshua staggered slightly looking at the seared mark on his chest, a grimace on his face. Chuckling the burns healed quickly. “I told you that you could try. I guess, you failed. Don’t worry I’m not angry at being trapped down here. It really gave me time to think.” Tolfey who had been turned to face Joshua looked at him in the eyes voice full of determination he whispered “You’re not right in the Head Joshua, we did what we had to do to maintain peace!” Joshua laughed throwing the man at the wall opposite him. Joshua turned before he left through the door at the end of the corridor looking at Tolfey “You know, I have no idea why that man exploded outside my cell. I don’t appreciate the help of lesser mages. But i’ll let you figure that out, I have other things to do.” Leaving Tolfey a crumpled heap on the floor he looked in front of him and began moving his fingers in the air as if he was putting together a puzzle. After a short while the area began to glow with a dull purple vibe. Waving goodbye to Tolfey who was trying to get up he walked through the portal and left. Phillip and Jennifer were quick to their friends side as he was lifted onto a stretcher. Tolfey explained that Joshua had escaped and was on the move. Phillip quietened his friend “We do not want to cause panic among our people Tolfey, we will try to deal with this as quietly as possible. If people knew that we, The Order let someone as powerful as Joshua free than they may doubt our strength.” “Don’t worry Tolfey we’ll sort this out” Jennifer said. [i]Present Day[/i] Joshua looked over the city of London, the home of The Order. It had been a year since he had escaped the Order. Yet he felt as weak as he had during that day. Whatever they had done to him had been a permanent thing or was taking a hell of a long time to wear off. He would need to find the Distorted Skull a powerful Eldritch Artifact. With it he could restore himself to his full strength. But the damn vampires had it, and they never did like sharing. No matter perhaps he could recruit some help from other mages who shared his vision of the future. If not he could always trick them into helping him. Adopting a trench-coat over himself he made his way to the Abandoned bar. Joshua was certain that even with the strength he had he could easily overpower anyone that tried to capture him.