The museum echoed footsteps as a megaphone or microphone might, blaring the sound throughout the empty halls. Romen statues of gods and goddesses peered down upon the source of the noise. Gregory stared back, blank eyes recalling their glory when they had still been decorated for their grace to be won. Now they were marble and only that. The museum was supposed to close an hour ago but working there had privlages that aloud him to stay and clean the floors for however long he liked, the night guards certainly didn't mind the extra company. Even if he was a bit strange. By the time he had made his way back to the entrance and the dino bones he had thoroughly lost interest. Gregory could not recall dinosaurs, the thing that lurked in his mind had not bothered itself with the trivial creatures and so Gregory himself could not be bothered with them either. He left through the front door walking to the Abandoned bar; a place he'd recalled from another time when he was not called Gregory. It was a dim place, dirty on the outside but remarkably full of interesting people on the inside. There he would be amongst other things, non-humans. He took a seat at the bar and asked for just water, Gregory didn't need to be poisoned by magic drink or whatever. Gregory had family to get home to after the bar.