[h2]Bounty Hunter Krat Gyton[/h2] As Krat arrived at what used to be the battlefield, he saw the TIE-interceptors were already retreating. "Looks like we just missed the party." He said dissapointed, and Denying sounded angered that they didn't have the chance to take some out. However, he had came to the Republic vessel with a reason: he needed help with this task. "Denying, open a channel with the Republic vessel, please. And make sure it is secure this time." Denying, a bit annoyed, opened the channel. "Greetings, Republic people. My name is Krat Gyton, bounty hunter, and I think we have some mutual interests in this situation that drawn us to this planet. I like to ask your captain for permission to dock onto your vessel for what I could best describe as a business proposal." He muted his microphone. "Denying, keep your scanners on high alert. I don't know what those crime lords are planning, but I know that they don't give up that easily, and the Republic might take precautions when talking to a bounty hunter..."