Akio opened his eyes with a slight yawn, waking just before the announcement rang over the intercoms. Streatching like a cat as it finished, he stood and donned his violin case and checked to find the flower still on his ear, though slightly wilted. With another short stretch he headed over to the bulliten board to see who his new room mates were. After all, this was something out of the ordinary, so he had a good guess about his own name being there. And right there at the lower part of the list he found his name. [i]Room 96: Sakura Aoba & Akio Shiazaka & Akira Hato[/i] hmm. Room 96. That was a bit further then the others, and a bit tricky to find sometimes, so Akio decided to wait for the others and take them there. Leaning against the wall next to the board he began to hum a light tune, and had someone asked, he would have called it 'my soul your beats'.