[color=f9ad81]"You didn't learn anything from last time didn't you!?"[/color] Yzak growled as he dropped his beam rifle and pulled out his own beam saber and clashed with Jack but quickly put him on the defensive with a parry and then a furious barrage of strikes from his saber. [color=f9ad81]"All you people are the same! I told them you would chase us and Barton thought I was being too cautious. Always count on OMNI to chase after an enemy!"[/color] Yzak said as he closed in against his enemy. The enemy pilot completely intended on killing Jack. He had no intention of leaving this battle without having at least beaten him in a fair battle. [color=f9ad81]"You're just lucky Athrun Zala isn't here. You wouldn't stand a chance with both of us here. Not that you stand much better against just me!"[/color] Yzak taunted his enemy as the fire fight continued around him. [b]"What the hell!?"[/b] Leon Graves shouted as he dodged the shots but in the process his wings were damaged slowing him down. [b]"Never seen finger mounted beam rifles. There really are some interesting types around here aren't there?"[/b] Graves muttered as he aimed at the cockpit too Mask's suit and activated the beam submachine gun setting for his pistol and unleashed a storm of shots at Luin Lee's suit. Grant wanted too stop him right then and there but the fire fight between him and the zaku elite units were proving more of a hassle then anticipated. He needed to get in there close but there was no way too do so without making a sacrifice. He had no intention in screwing over his partner and his allies were busy so there was only one thing left too do. [color=00a651]"Guess I got no other choice sorry Captain..."[/color] Grant muttered as suddenly Hiling Care appeared on his screen. [color=39b54a]"OH so you're still alive huh? Look 'captain' you're going stand your ground and hold out until I get there. Once I arrive too assist you the battle should be over."[/color] Hiling said with a smile relishing her control of the situation. [color=00a651]"Fine. Understood. Hey Alpha get in position to cover me!"[/color] Grant said as his partner confirmed the command and rushed out with his machine gun. The zaku units immediately targeted him but Grant shot a distraction shot at the enemy and then charged forward himself. [color=00a651]"We got to hold the line until Care gets here! We need to assist the others! We're the support damn it a commando unit isn't supposed to be the ones to let down the others!"[/color] Grant shouted to everyone as he raised himself into the air with his aile pack and tried to prove himself a general nuisance to the enemy zaku. It was the only thing he could do because the enemy dodged his shots or blocked them with their shields. He would be gunned down soon enough if Hiling or one of the others didn't assist the Alpha Units. ==== [color=1a7b30]"While I certainly don't intend on dying here. I got a family back home I need to get back too. Besides the Lieutenant wouldn't ever live it down. The little bastard...I remember when he was still an upstart recruit. No way am I going to give him the satisfaction of out living me."[/color] Beta Leader said as his men rallied to him and suddenly a massive beam shot pierced through the wall behind Donna and crew destroying it and then was followed by two massive beam shots which eliminated many of the enemy units. [color=ec008c]"What in the world!?"[/color] Fram said stunned as she was suddenly forced back into reality as Stella disabled the unit by slashing it across the shoulder with a beam rifle. Gaia had transformed back into it's normal gundam form in the brief interval and even though it was only a momentary distraction it was all that Stella needed. [color=fff200]"I'll survive this! I will see my friends and Shinn again! I won't let down Lieutenant Blackstar or my new friends either!"[/color] Stella shouted passionately as Fram forced herself back her remaining bits quick to shoot at Stella who dodged them with some effort. Though she was an extended she was still not used to multi-directional attacks. Maybe she'd need to ask Puru for help or advice in that regard. [color=ec008c]"I'm not going to back down without a fight! Men fight on!"[/color] Fram growled at her men as they barely managed to rally their remaining soldiers before pushing back against the enemy forces though they were very few in numbers now. Nena laughed at them as she pulled back. [color=ed1c24]"I'll be back in a second. Not that these losers will last that long."[/color] === Trowa jumped back as he opened up his chest gatling guns and fired upon Paul once again. He had to admit the pilot was skilled. Skilled enough to dodge his shots and fend off multiple attacks. Though he had a feeling this was more or less due to him being backed against a corner. The art of war did state a foe put into a corner would fight all that much harder to escape from it alive. Even his enemy's allies, the grunts, with those strange jet suits. They seemed adept at fighting off enemy units in groups since they were working really well in an almost perfect synchronization. He could only assume they were men from the same unit as opposed crowded jumble that was the mismatch of his own units. Barton couldn't discount his own allies they were strong and they held more numbers. However a flash of light from nearby told him all he needed to know. His plan was now going to ruins. This trap was a good one even if he didn't truly understand all the workings in this facility. However he didn't count on heavy artillery. The units he had seen soon far had only had no such capabilities but their fighters had all been talented. It seemed to be a strange theme. With the blow and the dust cloud that followed Trowa could only assume the units over there were doomed. He also hadn't heard anything through the damn jamming they enemy was using. It was not like the usual static it was some sort of different form of it. It made him wonder what kind of technology these people had been using and if there would be tech that would disable his suit. Paul however not only ran through the missiles but he didn't even bother with blocking the shells which bounced off the suit's armor. [color=f26522]"I see your armor deflects solid rounds."[/color] Trowa said calmly though internally he was starting to feel unsettled. This was a bad mismatch if he had seen one before. His combat knife and his chest rounds were useless leaving him with his gatling laser on his arm. Paul on the other hand was now in more of a straight. He had chose not to avoid the shots BUT he now had a much lower battery power. His suit may have been damaged too but he knew his phase shift was more than enough to take shots like those. Still he didn't like tanking those shots. The only thing on Paul's mind now was to break the enemy gundam. [color=0054a6]"I'm tired of this I have men depending on me! I won't die not until I get them to safety!"[/color] Paul said to Trowa completely ignoring his comment and pulled the thruster's controls full on forward and intended to gut the enemy ace. [color=f26522]"You know you're really single minded."[/color]