Mara: Sat behind the counter of her shop in Baker Street. It was a regular day, almost nobody ever coming in, most people saw the name of the shop and just wrote it off as a place to buy useless junk. But, the more informed would tell you that they also sold slightly less useless junk. The telephone began ringing. "Alright, you remember the dare." said Adam. Mara, without, looking away from the book that was on the counter that she had been reading, picked up the receiver. "Voodoo Jade Palace and Taxidermist, you snuff 'em, we stuff 'em." she said. Adam began giggling. "Excuse me, I bought a love-charm from you the other day... Well, it's not working right. I mean, I asked loads of girls out and they all shut me down. Is there a specific thing i'm supposed to do?" Mara gave a deep exhale. "Look, sir, check the liability disclaimer on the box." she said. It was a disclaimer that said "May not contain any real voodoo or magic, any subsequent love found after use of this product is purely coincidental." "Well... Don't you have anything that really works?" Mara looked at Mr Giggles, who was dusting an antique vase. She gave him a look to ask him to kill her now. "Sir, do you believe in UFO's, astral projections, mental telepathy, ESP, Clairvoyance, spirit photography, telekinetic movement, full trans-mediums, the Loch-Ness Monster and the theory of Atlantis?" she asked. The line went dead for a second. Adam gave her the thumbs up for remembering the entire list in order. "... If I say yes, do I get to join the Ghostbusters?" came the reply. "No, you get to join the ranks of Britain's mentally disturbed." she then hung up the phone. Adam couldn't contain his laughter any more and began letting out big guffaws. "OH MY GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT TO A PAYING CUSTOMER!!!" He quickly settled down, though. "Anyway, the answer you're looking for is, yes, yes, no, slightly, yes, yes, no, no, maybe and most definitely." she then went back to her book. At that point, Giggles walked towards her and gave her a note that stated that the meeting time for The Order had been moved up an hour and she now had 30 minutes to get across town. She looked at it, then went back to her book. Giggles then continued to push the note further towards her until she acknowledged it. "Dammit, Mr Giggles, I don't want to go. It's so boring and I already have what I need, at the moment." she motioned to her book. He didn't stop until she finally snatched the note off of him. "Fine, dammit, i'm going. Adam, mind the shop. Giggles, if he tries to get into my magical supplies, don't you dare use the Kunai's again... That taser I bought you should be good enough." she then walked out of the door and grabbed her amulet, transforming into a Kestrel and took off. After a little while, she eventually landed just in front of the door to the abandoned pub, and when nobody was looking, transformed back into her regular, 10 year old form. She then took her pipe from her hoodie and popped it in her mouth. As she walked in, she struck a match and lit the tobacco inside. Pushing past several larger beings, she walked to the bar and waited for the others to arrive. She looked over at the human member of their group. "So, how's life treating you?" She asked, befor letting a long plume of smoke blast from her nose.