[hider= Maximillan Velmaar.] [center][img]http://img.faloo.com/NovelNode/0x0/1/1165/1165722.gif[/img][/center] [center][h3]My lance is called "Velstar", and she has a fondness in the human anatomy; care to volunteer?[/h3][/center] [b]Sprite:[/b] [img=]http://i.imgur.com/WZhWUm4.gif[/img] [hider=Facial appearance] [img=]http://static.zerochan.net/Yon.Maruji.full.159298.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Maximilian Velmaar. [b]Nicknames/Title:[/b] Lord Velmaar - Is apart of the Varr Romanaoff family, and whilst his family name is different his blood line is still a part of it; currently 6th in line of the throne; despite his proximity to the potential of being King, he has no interest in it and only wishes to serve the current King. His family controls some the northern holdings in the vast expanse that is Jotenvarr. "The dragon knight", a nickname bestowed upon him by some of the other Vanguards, he has a fiery temper on the field of battle and attacks the enemy front line as if hell itself was on his heels. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Marital Status:[/b] He is "betrothed" via an arranged marriage, although Max is currently trying everything he can to get out of the situation he is in. [b]Age:[/b] 29. [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual. [b]Family Ties:[/b] Alexandro Varr Romanoff- cousin Straizo Varr Juntif - cousin Elise Hirkengrad - Engaged; to be wife via arranged marriage Dracon Velmaar- father Mira Velmaar - Mother [b]Class:[/b]Royal Vanguard - A very hardy and resilient front line lancer, they are known to be at the forefront of the fight, taking the flak and using their lance and blades to great effect, the wield Blades and Lances and have exceptional skill in both, despite this they rarely deviate from using their favourite weapon, the Lance. They have ties the various families of noble assent scattered across the kingdom. [b]Weapon Mastery(ies):[/b] The lance and the blade. [b]Inventory:[/b] A royal lance; made from silver its rather heavy despite its small and thin appearance, designed to pierce the thickest plate and the toughest shields; the blade has a tendency to snap mid battle and must be replaced. The royal lance has a very unique end, it allows the blade to be removed and the shaft to be used as a similar weapon to a Bō staff, a form of foreign martial arts, meaning that if all blades are expended they still have a means of defence, can be lethal but primarily used for incapacitating foes. 5 extra Lance blades. 2 Killer blades, when faced with foes whom are light on the feet, the lance is notably less useful, these blades are only used in close quarters; tight spaces, and when the enemy is fast enough to out manoeuvre the lance. 1 elixir and a journal. [b]Personality:[/b] Outside of the fight? Max is really quite a nice person, he speaks eloquently and has a code of chivalry that he adherers too, he will always help the weak and will commonly act as a sort of negotiator, if a dispute or argument breaks out he will be there in flash to try and break it up peacefully using words in place of fists or blades. Other than that he is rather intelligent and someone you can rely on to have your back, he won't act on charge but despite that he usually finds himself giving out orders and telling people what to do, he doesn't mean to take their role of leader away from someone higher rank than him but commonly, and without intention does end up doing something along those lines. He is a staunch royalist, and believes in an absolute monarchy; the king or queen is the leader and you shall not disobey them, its best not to bring up political reforms around him lest his ears perceive treason; mistakenly or otherwise. Inside the fight. A different man, he strives to be the first in the fight and will unleash a unprecedented amount of vigour and speed just in order to skewer the first enemy, he has a code of honour in engagements that follow this line; after the front line has been broken and he has claimed the first kill, in every moment of respite between or before a fight he will demand the surrender of his opponent, if they fail to acquiesce then they will die as an enemy. Those who surrender to this however, typically near the end of an engagement, he will kill them all the same; but as dogs for betraying their own monarch, there is no escape from the clutches of death when you fight this man, its kill or be killed, typically its simply how you get killed. He doesn't work well in team fights, time in the Vanguards has made him solely focus on breaking the enemy lines, it will take a considerable amount of persuasion to force him to disengage from a fight, even if a loss is inevitable. [b]Biography:[/b] Maximilian was always destined to do something with the royal blood that he held in his veins, he just wasn't sure what exactly that would be - as it turned out, and rather unsurprisingly it would be to, firstly serve the crown, and secondly to marry another noble. And in that order. But when Max started serving the crown as a knight; something he began training as very early into his life, he never wanted to stop serving, it didn't take long in his life to become one of the most accomplished users of a lance within the Royal army and as such he was offered a place in the Royal Vanguards, an elite fighting force that during time of war would serve as the spear head of the army, driving themselves deep into the enemy lines and to eliminate key personnel namely enemy nobility or ranking officers. It was a role that Max exceeded in, he was being put in the thick of a fight and that's exactly how he wanted it; much to the dismay of his parents however as their legacy would be of little use to the family bloodline if he was killed in battle, despite how honourable and a marvellous way to go; at least in Max's eyes it was. The second part of his duty has never appealed to him, he puts up with the dates, dances and formal meetings between the two - Elise is far from a bad match he had to admit, she was funny, courteous, beautiful and of course in the eyes of his family, she was of suitable 'stock'. Depsite how royalist Max was, he didn't like this form of Breeding and selection as if they were nothing more than pampered livestock. His duties in the Royal vanguard however are keeping him away from the unsavoury future for the time being; and similar to most knights and others amongst the realm he appeared when summoned by the King; in this instance it certainly seemed like something he could further delay the inevitable. And maybe speak to the king about some form of rearrangement. Of course that wasn't an ulterior motive, just an additional benefit of doing what he loved. [/hider]