Joshua looked around the dark city of london, gazing with disgust at the mortals as they moved past him. They looked like zombies completing their mind numbingly pointless task with no complaint or deviation from their allotted task. Pathetic. Slipping into a side alley he combed through his mind trying to remember the location of the Abandoned bar. While he had stopped four humans had appeared in front and behind him two armed with pipes, one with a baseball bat and the other with a switchblade knife. The one with the knife smiled and spoke to him in a heavy cockney accent. "Looks like a little fish fell into this nest of sharks. Listen here mate hand over your money or else." Joshua looked at him blankly. "Or else what?!" "I'll stick you with this knife and take your stuff from your dead body." Joshua Shrugged "Unlikely. But I will humor scum like you for a moment." The Switchblade man stared at him dumbly not able to comprehend what Joshua had said. Sighing Joshua sliced the air in front of the man with the switchblade. Still looking at Joshua with the dumb expression it quickly changed to one of shock. Coughing up blood he looked down at his waist which was no longer attached to the the rest of his body. He had been cut cleanly in half and died. The other men screamed with rage and charged at Joshua. Expanding his hands outwards a black sphere expanded from Joshua's position passing through the men and then contracted back inside Joshua. The men fell to the floor dead. Joshua always liked necromancy magic it was very strong but, relying on object was too much of a draw back for him. Dusting himself off he made his way to the bar. Entering he looked around the establishment. So far so good he had not been recognised. Walking up to the bar he sat down and ordered a Cider. Joshua was currently hiding his power from the others as a magical aura like his made him stand out.