Vivianne finished her joke about her past being boring as the teachers made their entrance. West thought entirely the opposite. Her story had intrigued him more than he had been in a while. His ego grew a little as she commented his ability to teach himself. He was rather proud of some of his accomplishments, but never tried to be flashy with them, should he look like a showoff. West took her last comment about training and tending the shrine to heart, not catching any hint of lies within her. It was rather vague, but training was a boring topic to most. West turned to give his attention to the teachers at the same time as Vivianne. [b]"Wow all of these teachers are great."[/b] Then everyone turned as Yang made her appearance. West laughed at her entrance and introduction as a teacher. [b]"Haha, with a teacher like her, we're definitely going to die this year. Whether by Grimm or by her hand is the question."[/b]