[@pkken][hider=Touch]The taste vanished away as though it never happened. Then the cave began closing in. The walls got closer and closer and the ceiling was inches away from his head. His limbs felt weak, as though he could barely move them. He became aware of the oppressive weight of the mountain above him, threatening to collapse at any moment. Going through the cave seemed like a worse idea every moment. Perhaps he should go back?[/hider] [@NightmareInd][hider=Touch]The steel left his mouth, but not peacefully. A tiny slash cut through the back of Samuel's hand. Lightly, it couldn't have been more than a fraction of a centimeter deep, but a tiny drop of blood welled up on it. Then another, crisscrossed it. Every several seconds another cut appeared, lightly stinging, no more than a papercut.[/hider] [@Aisling][hider=Touch]Thankfully the horrid stench vanished. Though not without a replacement, as she was quickly learning. She felt a weak pull on her leg but when she looked there would be nothing there. Almost immediately a finger touch pulled on her arm then dissapaerd. Clawing grasping hands, they pulled at her clothes, her skin, her hair. All with less than the strength of a caterpillar. Barely noticeable before they vanished. Along with the feather touches would come a feeling of heat from each one as though they carried a flame inside them.[/hider] [@Carlsberg][hider=Touch]Suddenly the cold taste disappeared, replace by the chilling touch of steel at her throat. For just a moment Jen felt heavy breathing behind her, then both sensations vanished. Danger lay in the air, every sense screaming at her to run. Every shadow seemed filled with menace. Time and time again Jen heard the heavy breathing of an unseen attacker, footsteps echoing through the cave. A harsh whistling sound and a she felt wind rush by her and steel kiss her cheek before disappearing. Someone was playing games with her.[/hider] [@Whitewind][hider=Touch]Finally the taste left. As did everything else. Before it had been her tounge, now it was her whole body. Though she could sense her body was there moving forward, she couldn't feel it. Her footsteps collided with nothing, her body operated like a machine, not feeling anything around it. It was like she was trapped in a strange world where she could touch things, but feel nothing. Her guess may have been more accurate than she thought.[/hider]