Anastasia and Marcus shared a knowing look. Everyone knew that even among the inner circle, with the girls exclusion, Marcus had always shared and discussed everything with Anastasia before bringing the idea to the group. She was the brains, honestly, and none could say she didn't understand what was going on. She was just young and crippled, and no one will follow a girl without real life experience. They had all been together for a year, and Marcus respected each and every one of their opinions and abilities. When it came to truly important decisions, Marcus turned to Anastasia first, then himself and the peace of mind brought by killing zombies, before finding their final solution. Charlie was the leader in name, the one the group followed, but Marcus made decisions for the younger man on where they would need to be going. [color=#1E90FF]"That's exactly the point Lara."[/color] Marcus stated, reaching out to take the hat offered to him by Anastasia. He had been military, then a sheriff after his time was done. A legal gun holder and one of the few in the group that was specially trained to kill people. He had learned to fight and handle weaponry, but that wasn't much use here and now when bullets were hard to find and those that tried to kill them now were mindless beasts. [color=#1E90FF]"There's a good sized hospital near the southern edge of Sheridan. It spread hard and fast, so there should be something there still. With the early massacre's of entire towns back at the beginning." [/color] Anastasia could remember quite clearly well back when it had first made it to the United States, sweeping across the south states like a rat driven plague. She'd watched news reports as if the governments would be able to withhold the epidemic and save everyone's life. Atlanta had become a safe haven for the surviving and sterile refugees who managed to get out of the frenzy alive. Of course, it hadn't lasted long after one of the guards on duty fell off a roof and died. That was the day that she had been at the library looking for new reading material and ran into Skye. She'd been hoping to find James ever since though she was aware that he was probably dead by now. One year and six months later, she was with a group of people who knew her as a living Encyclopedia. None of them knew the first thing about where she'd come from; except Marcus and Skye. The young woman lifted her head, looking at the others around them, projecting her voice since she couldn't stand to make herself heard over their speculations. [color=#FF00FF]"I've memorized the layout of the area and can transfer copies of the map to each of you in case we get separated. It's imperative that we obtain more medical supplies. As Lara said we aren't prepared for anything major. Odds are if one of us breaks something it'll never set right." [/color]She started, looking around at the others. It was a surprise that she got anyone's attention when she spoke, but she was careful to make herself heard. Beside her, her hand was set on the rock, a silent plea for Skye's support as she spoke to the rest of the group. They didn't have any reason to believe her when she spoke; she was eighteen, female and crippled. [color=#FF00FF]"It's also looking like we might be able to set up on the University Campus if there isn't already someone there."[/color] She made a good argument, and Marcus was proud of her when she was done, her cheeks flushed as she looked down at her lap in embarrassment. It wasn't often that she made herself known to the others, not outside of Charlie, Skye and himself. Her relationship with Lara was even a little bit strained at times, even though the two women shared a common bond and often banded together against the testosterone. She was just a girl after all, and even before the zompocalypse she'd been forced to grow up. Giving her shoulder a small squeeze he tossed a can to Skype for him to share with Anastasia later - butterscotch pudding. Walking over to Charlie he set a hand on the mans shoulder. [color=#1E90FF]"Who's taking the truck?"[/color]