The bosmer vampire's head snaps to the side, cutting himself off halfway through a sentence in which he was explaining to the other vampire why killing and drinking the blood of mer and men was acceptable, but baiting hounds into ripping one another to pieces was not. "Something is not right." He hisses through his teeth. He had felt the change in the air, though he might not feel the cold any longer, he still knew when it was cold in a room, and a cold breeze had just rolled through the room. Snapping his gaze to the guard, Drakus frowns as he sees the guard is not paying any attention to his post at all, and is completely transfixed by the death hounds, as the final two circle each other around the tattered remains of the third. "Do not alarm the others. Collect the guards from upstairs, then circle back around..." Drakus speaks quickly and calmly to the other vampire, sending him a look that told him not to argue, before moving quickly and gracefully away from the rest of the group, down a side passage off of the room, towards the staircase that led to the balcony overlooking this room.