The others found hiding spots around the area just as Ka'ava positioned herself behind the vampire, ready to decapitate him. She signalled to the archerers to ready their crossbows or their bows, whichever they happened to carry. Her fingers pointed towards the entrance to the main area. One archer heaved his crossbow onto his shoulder, pulling the string back, aiming towards a vampire sitting at the table. Ka'ava's eyes widened when she saw a vampire walking up the steps towards them. [i]Shit![/i] She held in a gasp of panic. She needed to think fast. Her eyes flickered towards the guard then back at the vampire who was approaching. Take the guard out, or this guy? There was a strange aura coming from this one, something that screamed danger. Ka'ava knew that there were different types of vampirism. The Normal kind, which one could get from another vampire, then the other kind, the kind that one got from the Daedric Prince, Molag Bal himself. And nine divines know what the few vampire lords in existence have done to gain the Prince's favour. She could've suppress a shiver. She had stayed waiting a bit too long because the others glanced at her weirdly. She breathed and decided to get her archers to attack the others. Ka'ava gestured for the others to aim. They did, and then her fingers turned, giving them the signal to fire. She resisted the urge to close her eyes as the invisible arrows whistled in the air.