Name: Kurokuma "The Black Bear", given name unknown Gender: Male Age: 35 Species(if not human, keep it minimal please): Human Appearance: [hider=Kurokuma][img=][/hider] Personality: Kurokuma is known to be cunning and cautious when planning a raid or any battle, but he transforms on the battlefield into a ferocious, rage filled warrior. When at rest, he does not speak much and tend to be solitary in nature, though he does not mind company. His strong and silent nature belies an intelligence and wisdom beyond his years. He is not known to be particularly merciful and does not tolerate dissension in his camp. He will deal with most feuds personally, though oftentimes his presence is enough to calm any dispute. However, he is also known to have a code that he does not kill those who are innocent of a crime, even if they stand in his way, nor will he tolerate the slaughter of innocents by any of his gang. Force is allowed to be used against those who resist him, but not deadly force unless it is unavoidable. Between his own men and innocents who attack them, however, he will always choose his own men. Skills/Talents: He is incredibly powerful and surprisingly agile for a man of his bulk. He is an expert swordsman, favoring his own custom long blade, though he is able to use a claymore,greatsword and standard two handed sword equally effectively. He is also skilled in the use of most crushing weapons, such as hammers and maces. He is a skilled tactician and strategist and a fair orator, when he has a mind to be. He is also a master at intimidation and using his presence to achieve the desired effect. His strength and size are so immense that he can crush a man's skull with one hand. Furthermore, he has built up an immunity to most forms of poisons and venoms. Weapons/Equipment: His custom long blade, made for him to carve through cavalry, horse and rider alike in a single sweep. He also carries dual war hammers that he uses in close quarters. Occupation: Bandit, former mercenary Rank(If in bandit clan, assigned by me): Bandit Leader Bio(Optional): Little is known of Kurokuma's past, save that he was once a mercenary. His many scars are said to be from the hundred and twelve battles that he fought while he was a mercenary. It is said that he has actual bear blood in his lineage, though this is unconfirmed. No one has ever beaten him in single combat, and he is known for his great size and strength. His legend says that he drinks venom and poison to keep himself immune and that he can withstand the harshest cold and the most unrelenting heat without worry. Once again, these are unconfirmed. He is greatly respected and feared among the peasant villages of Maeryn. His name, Kurokuma, means "Black Bear", and he earned it because of his great size and strength and his tendency to wear a black tattered cloak when not fighting. Other: Kurokuma stands 7 and half feet tall and weighs 585 pounds.