Kraytan continued running down the hall he was in when the Temple shook as a hangar was bombarded with missiles destroying it and a part of the Temple along with it. "That didn't sound good..." He said to himself as he continued to move on. He was closing in on the Library, if he failed to protect the Temple today then so be it, but he had to destroy the Holocrons that contained the location of all force sensitive children at all costs. As he approached the Library he heard the sound of blasters, activating his lightsaber he ran forward through the large archway and saw his former masters battling off a few dozen clones. He hopped into the fray without another thought and caught the clones off guard as he came up from the rear. He began sweeping the area with his Lightsaber pike, cutting blasters and paralyzing clones. They were laying siege to the Temple, but even of all the times to adhere to the Jedi Code and to preserve life now was that time, for the dark energy that was looming over was merely waiting to fill anyone who would allow it to with the Dark Side. After several minutes the three Jedi had subdued the threat for now. "Masters! I am glad to see you are alive." Kraytan said as he deactivated his lightsaber. "As well as you my padawan, but we have no time to exchange greetings we must preserve the knowledge of the Library." His mother said as she moved to the Holocron vault. His father stepped in front of her and waved his head back and forth In a disapproving way. "While I would love to preserve this great Archive of knowledge, sadly I think it best to destroy it, less it fall into the wrong hands." "But we can't! This is the Order's future right here!" She exclaimed as she pushed him aside and moved to the vault door opening it. Kraytan moved up and stood next to her. His face was masked, but she could very well sense that he agreed with his father. "I am sorry master, but I agree that we must destroy the Holocrons. If the dark one who has come to the Temple gets his hands on the location of any force sensitive children or any of this knowledge housed here, he could very well use it as a tool to spread the influence of the Dark Side. Our Order must live on with the survivors of this attack, not by mere records. It will be a sad thing to see our history lost, but we shall rebuild it one day." Kraytan said as he placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. She lowered her head, but acknowledged that he was right. The three Jedi went to work destroying the Holocrons and quickly left the vault. By now reinforcements had arrived in mass, there was too many even for the three Jedi. "My padawan you must leave now while there is still time!" His mother yelled as he battled a group of clones. Kraytan was caught in the center of several clones and spun rapidly and cut the ends of their blasters before force pushing them all away. "It is my duty to protect the Temple! You two must go!" He shouted back. "The Temple has fallen, your duty is now to protect the Order and to ensure its survival! Leave now, that is an order from a member of the Jedi Council!" His father yelled to him as he was shot in the leg, his pain could be felt through the Force, but he battled on. "Take this with you my padawan! It is a Holocron I have been saving for when the time was right! It will guide you on your path to becoming a Jedi Master as well as reveal the truth as to who you really are!" His mother said as she tossed him a Jedi Holocron. He caught it and watched as a rifleman on the balcony above fired a round right into her chest and sent her to the floor. Time seemed to stop around him as his former master's hand hit the floor and her lightsaber rolled out of it. His father looked on in shock before raising a large force barrier to protect them from the dozens of blaster bolts. "Get out of here now and take this with you, I won't need it anymore..." His father said as he tossed him his blue lightsaber. Kraytan caught it and gave him a look in the eye one last time before calling on the force to bring his mother's green lightsaber to him. He clipped both of them on his belt and placed the Holocron in a pouch and took off running. As he ran down a nearby hall he could feel the Force's energy swell up in the Library and disperse into a million directions, he could also feel as hundreds of voices disappeared in the blink of an eye. He continued running, almost blindly, not sure where he should even go that was until his communicator began to buzz. "Kraytan this is Deja! The Master has ordered a full retreat! The Temple has been overridden! the Hangars are being destroyed or being flooded with clones. Our new pritority is to ensure the safety of all escaping Jedi and to see them off world. We are to abandon the Temple with whoever we can find." Kraytan didn't reply, he understood his orders, but as of right now he was trying to combat the loss of his two former masters. He was a Temple Guard, he had been trained to be detached to everything, to be able to make objective decisions, but he had never experienced a loss like this before. He did his best to push the thoughts to the deepest recessions of his mind and headed for the training halls, they were the closest and most vital location near him now that the Library had been overrun.