"Hey, don't. I didn't want anybody to... It's not that bad. Don't feel bad. You did good," Iisska said. His attempts to make Nyrette feel better were starting to get weak. "It's gonna heal... And that old guy probably would have died anyway. I mean... look... at him... was..." Iisska cleared his throat, "Anyway! What's done is done. He's dead, you're fine, good job, moving on now, what else is in this potion thing?" Nyrette was pretty much inconsolable. She distanced herself a bit from the others as they talked, feeling ashamed for the first time in a long time. She didn't even really hear Iisska talk to her about what happened, instead choosing to just tune everybody out and draw herself into her own little world for a while. "Several medicinal herbs and solutions that my ma-Delebor had created. All safe." Cynthia said, cracking a small smile. Quin wrapped an arm around Nyrette's shoulders and sat back on the couch with her in silence knowing that nothing she said would help right now. "Hm," Iisska frowned as the pangs of guilt started to eat away at his insides, "Guess it can't hurt too much." In one swift motion he slammed the vial of red liquid back like a shot and emptied the contents. When he was done his face scrunched up and stayed that way for a few long seconds. "That is not cinnamon flavored," he wheezed. "Perhaps should have added the whole bottle of cinnamon...." Cynthia admitted, slouching a bit as she did. Meanwhile, Nyrette leaned into Quin's arms and tried to relax, taking in her aroma. Quin snuggled her in closer with a sigh and furrowed her brow. "Don't worry about it," she said to Cynthia, "Iisska's a man-child and an idiot most of the time. Thank you for your help. However I have a concern. What do you plan on doing with this place... And Delebor's body?" "Well. I will of course remove the body as soon as I am able. Other than that...I suppose it should pass to me and, consequently, us all as well." She said. "Wait." Cheshik said quickly. "We have huge mansion to selves for duration of stay?" "I suppose so. Yes." She answered. "I call first room." Cheshik ran up the stairs. "Eh, thanks for the offer, but we have a ship... with all our stuff already on it as well as three of our companions and some big animals. You guys can pack up an' leave, but I'm gonna stay there, thanks," Iisska said. Cheshik came back downstairs, having heard what Iisska said and spoke. "He has point. Cannot leave snickers alone. She not tolerate Kobel for long periods of time. I take couch and beds though. Very very comfortable." "That...is most unwise. That is a two hour hike to your 'ship'" Cynthia said, not attributing the Harpoon to being a wooden vessel on water. "Has not stopped me before." Cheshik said confidently. "Once carried Kobel five miles on sprained ankle." "When?" Iisska growled. "Cheshik, no, we're not taking her things," Quin scolded. "It will go to waste if it is not used. I see no reason as to why he cannot be allowed." Cynthia said, not knowing that Cheshik was already planning on building a small wagon to take various things in the estate. "Don't try him," Iisska said. He had stretched out on the couch and closed his eyes despite himself. Knowing he won't convince Iisska in the way of speech, Cheshik picked him up and took him upstairs, despite his fighting and to the guest room, plopping him in the huge bed. "Want in room yes? Don't complain." He walked out. "CHESHIK! NO!" Iisska yelled at him and squirmed around on the oh so squishy and soft and warm bed trying his best to get back up out of it, "You're fuckin' rude and... You can't just..." he yawned suddenly and curled up on his side, "This is pretty nice..." Heading back down stairs, he found Cynthia standing next to the girls, watching them silently while they held each other, comforting one another. "Well. It is decided. Taking furniture for harpoon. If we are stuck here, then comfort shall we be living in." Cheshik announced. Nyrette had fallen asleep against Quin's chest, hugging her tightly. "I...have never seen this before. What are you doing, if I may ask?" Cynthia asked quin." "Ah... Hugging," Quin whispered, confused, "or 'cuddling,' I suppose. It's a kind of affection. Or comfort. It's been a difficult day." "I know of cuddling and showing affection I..." She trailed off for a moment. "I am asking of the look in your eye, your face. The emotion that you are conveying. It is unknown to me." "What look?" Quin raised a brow, "I'm feeling a lot of emotions and I was unaware that I was conveying anything." "Do not worry about it..." Cynthia said, somewhat regretting asking. --- The crew opted to spend the night at the mansion as both Iisska and Nyrette had fallen asleep and would not be budged. Nobody felt like making the hike back to the Harpoon as tired as the were and in the dark as well. Marquis would just have to worry about them. In the morning they helped dig a satisfactory burial site for Cynthia's Master among the trees not far from his home. They wrapped the body tightly in sheets and allowed Cynthia to bury him with any items that she saw fit. Then left her alone at the grave while Cheshik started directing the first of the moving efforts. To everybody's shock, amazement and disgust he presented them with a makeshift wagon for the job. Even with that on their side they wouldn't be able to move much on this trip. Perhaps only one bed frame and the accompanying mattress. Iisska and Quin had something a bit more valuable in mind however. They went through the armory and the vault in the cellar of the base and collected any weapons, materials, tools and trinkets that might be of some use to them in the future. Again, there was far too much to take for now so only the most valuable of items were taken. Even though this had been a reward for their services, something about still felt like they were ransacking a dead man's house. "If this guy comes and haunts me he'd better be haunting all the rest of you also," Iisska said to Quin. "If we are haunted at all then I have some very fundamental cosmological knowledge to re-evaluate," she replied. "This was a good talk," he sighed. When they were all packed up and ready to go, and when Cynthia had said her goodbyes to her Master and to her old home for the time being, they began their trek back to the Harpoon. The trip was lengthened from two hours to about four with all the pilfered goods they carried, but they made it before sundown. They were met with a very still and very silent, Marquis when they arrived. "Hey," Iisska waved at him, "So..." "Is that a person behind you...?" "Not... technical... ly...?" he replied. "I thought I said no more mouths to feed." "No you didn't." "YES I DID, IISSKA. I SAID NO MORE MOUTHS TO FEED BECAUSE WE HAVE NO FOOD YOU IDGIT." Marquis threw a rock at him. "Mm," Quin leaned into Cynthia while Iisska's ritual sacrifice to the food gods by stoning continued, "Tell me, do you have the same bodily functions as an organic life-form? Specifically, do you need to eat?" "Oh." Cynthia said. "I can eat, yes. I will admit that I enjoy fo-" Nyrette placed her hand over her mouth. "Wrong answer...you don't need to eat. Right?" Cynthia just nodded her head. "See Marquis. She doesn't eat. No stoning the Iisska." Nyrette said. Iisska was curled up in a tight, protective ball when the furious rock throwing stopped and peered up at Marquis from a tiny opening in his arms. Then he quickly got up, brushed himself off and stood well away from the droid. "S-see? It's good. No more mouths to feed. Aside that we got some supplies from her and she knows this place. She's useful," he argued. "Oh! She's useful!?" He skipped over. "Good! Then SHE CAN CLEAN UP THE CRAP YOUR AKKDOG LEFT BEHIND ALL OVER THE BACK OF THE SHIP." Marquis yelled in Iisska's face. "STOP YELLING AT ME! I'M SORRY!," he yelled right back, "NOT EXACTLY LIKE WE WERE ON A FUCKING CAKE WALK THROUGH THE MAGIC FOREST!" While the two argued, Nyrette whispered something into Cynthia's ear. She looked at Nyrette, smiling and nodding before moving over close to Marquis and Iisska. "NO. OF COURSE NOT. YOU WERE PROBABLY SLEEPING LIKE ALWAYS!" Marquis yelled right back. "Mom and dad! Please stop fighting! You're tearing me apart!" Cynthia yelled, which made Nyrette immediately keel over from laughing. "FUCK YOU! I'LL PUT YOU TO SL---" Iisska nearly gave himself whiplash jumping away from the haemunculus, "What!?" Meanwhile, while Nyrette and Quin were doubled over laughing too hard for their own good, Marquis just rubbed his forehead in near rage. "I This is why I am an introvert." He shook his head and walked off. "What!? Gonna yell and scream at me and then not introduce yourself!? Get back here!" Iisska stomped after him. It was then that Marquis stopped and turned, demonstrating that even though he was a droid with a static face that even he can give the most soul sucking devilish stare possible, stopping Iisska in his tracks and forcing the Togruta to transform from a strong, proud warrior to adopt the posture of a scared mouse. Iisska sulked back to Cynthia with his arms folded into a hunched chest. "Ah... th-that was Marquis. You... You two can meet later," he mumbled. Cynthia placed a hand on his head, between his montrals. "Nyrette has hand-signed that you need a hug. Shall I give one?" Que Nyrette and Quin screaming with laughter again. He shot a glare over to the girls, baring his teeth and growling. Without warning, Cynthia hugged the Togruta, keeping him from killing the girls with his evil eye for a few seconds longer. The hug was robotic and unsatisfying. "UM," Iisska started turning colors, "No. Hey, great. Um, thanks. I feel better now. Much better. Let go. Hey, let go. Please. Please let go." Meanwhile, Nyrette was on her back yelling "Oh god, Rainbow Iisska has landed, release the leprechauns!" Cynthia let go and stood in front of him, smiling. "Always happy to help!" He shuddered when she let go and rubbed his arm. For a second he was frozen, but backed up and kept his eyes on the ground. "You didn't," he said quietly, "I have things to do." With that he picked up what he was carrying and rushed to the ship and out of sight. When Iisska got to his room in the ship, however. He didn't find the solace he was looking for, but instead Cheshik setting a bed from the estate. "Oh. Hello Iisska. I set bed for you. Sleep well. I go prepare trip back. New couch in lounge!" He walked out, probably to Iisska's relief. "Great, Cheshik. Thanks," Iisska said. It wasn't until after Cheshik left that he dropped everything he was carrying on the floor and feel face first into the bed and groaned loudly.