[b][color=00a651]Despration Casino.[/color][/b] It had been interesting to see the various people that has decided to join him on this venture to take out a casino. A part of him had to wonder just how [i]safe[/i] the method of teleportation that the lair team had used, but considering that he was going to be walking instead of using it himself he didn't exactly care that much. As they had walked towards the destination, the plague doctor had tried to start a conversation but the walk was rather short and the moment they arrived the muscle headed girl with the belt had charged ahead without any attempt at thinking and forcing everyone else to charge in after her to save her ass. Turning towards the snake woman for a moment as he remarked "[i]It isn't like having a plan going into this would have been a good idea or anything. Oh well... Then again, your exotic beauty would have made anything subtle kind of hard.[/i]" Following after his collages at a somewhat more relaxed pace, Despration noticed the coat room woman who was clearly confused by what was going on. Raising his hat to the woman, he simply said "[i]Take your doctor's advice. Go home and get some rest." His message given, the hat was returned to his head as he continued to follow the sounds of destruction. Going down the stars and entering the casino proper before drawing a scalpel. One of the guards turned their attention away from the others and moved to raise a gun at the newest threat. With a surprising amount of skill, Despration flicked the scalpel through the air, striking the man in the throat and causing him to drop the gun and reach for his neck. Striding confidently over to the man, Despration seized the handle of the scalpel, causing the blade to start glowing darkly. Hearing the sound of someone sneaking up behind him, Despration twisted the blade before pulling it free by kicking the man off of it, spinning around to slice cleanly through a new guards throat and letting him start choking on air. Two down... [@Kingfisher]