[center][img]http://www.fontsquirrel.com/widgets/test_drive/c8b7ff20d0c0a86dadc1fa5fa77f58dc?s=72&t=Delilah%20Christine[/img][/center][hr] Delilah watched with amusement as Hunter said all the things that he'd clearly been wanting to say for a long time. The young man started off by mocking Lila, saying that he'd start to complain and rant like a child. He followed with a dumb explanation about how common his first and last name was, which Lila couldn't really understand how that had to do with him nearly running her over. Next, he clarified that he had indeed done some jail time because he'd gotten a DUI for driving her to the hospital. ([color=ec008c]"Which wouldn't have happened in the first place if you hadn't decided to leave your place while drunk,"[/color] she interrupted), told her that he was willing to take his punishment for what he did to her ([color=ec008c]"As you should"[/color]), that the only reason he wasn't on jail at the moment was because he'd had to beg her 'white-collared' father to 'stop ruining his life' (which was nothing more than him wanting the man who'd hurt his daughter to have his punishment), and that he'd had to sell pretty much all of his valuables to pay for the costs of a lawyer to defend him against the lawsuit. At that, Lila gave him a mocking sympathetic face. The only reason that he was out today wasn't because of his begging, but it was actually because Lila had asked her father to drop the charges. Had Lila told her father that she'd been dating Hunter and that the accident had occurred because she'd been standing in front of his car trying to stop him from driving drunk after she told him things weren't working out, she was sure the guy would be doing the longest time he could be charged with. Adelisa took this moment to tell Hunter that he needed to apologize, say to Lila that she was leaving them to solve their issues and making a run for it after grabbing Yuki's hand. Lila didn't even have enough time to reply before Hunter continued his rant by calling her a spoiled little brat that would get everything she wanted by just asking her father (at this, Lila let out a laugh) and listing all of the struggles he had to go through to pay for the basics like groceries and rent-struggles that she wouldn't know about because she had her parents' support. Since she'd pretty much grown up hearing envious people throw these comments at her, Lila was used to them. Add that to the fact that Hunter was drunk, and it was all the more reason to simply laugh it off and not take it personally. After all, his comments didn't make her privileges disappear or lessen, so why bother getting offended? But not getting offended didn't mean that she wouldn't say something back. So Lila took the chance during a pause Hunter made to cheekily comment: "[color=ec008c]Well, what can I say? It's not my fault I was born into this lifestyle. I'm just [i]blessed[/i]"[/color] while putting her hands together as if in prayer. [color=ec008c]"Clearly AA hasn't done shit to you,"[/color] Lila told him, that annoying, amused smile still plastered on her face. "[color=ec008c]But I gotta say, Hunter, alcohol does have a way of making you much more entertaining than usual. But anyway, the makeup you can get rid of, because I totally replaced it with my 'daddy's money-'" [/color]she did air quotes at the last two words. [color=ec008c]"Next, you're forgetting that my father had to take a 4-hour flight to get to the hospital, so I didn't expect him to get there in minutes. And just in case you've ever wondered about the origins of that monthly food supply that since a few months ago gets delivered to your house: you're welcome. Even us 'spoiled little brats' help out the less fortunate. Call it my act of charity."[/color] And with that, she waved at him and left the water park. She walked directly to the lockers to retrieve her things, making sure to try and dry herself as much as she could before slipping on her over-up and sandals. Lila stood in front of the lockers for a moment, trying to see what she did next. She was alone and stressed out, so what would be the best thing to do in this situation? [color=ec008c][i]'I need a massage'[/i][/color] she whined in her head, remembering that there was a spa at the other end of the floor she was in. The annoyed scowl she'd had after turning her back to Hunter softened as each step she took towards the spa, finding comfort in the thought of expert hands on her back ridding her of all her stress. That Hunter was in the cruise didn't mean that she wasn't going to have a good time. She'd have to keep an eye out to avoid him or any further accidents, but she wouldn't let it get to her. [color=ec008c][i]'I won't let it get to me'[/i][/color] was the mantra she kept repeating in her mind all the way to the spa, where she was quickly tended to.