Appearance: Stands tall at 6'9" and his skin is white with a bit of a tan. He is bald with a large beard going from one side of his face to the other. His bald head is decorated with a massive tattoo of a cobra. His eyes a piercing blue and his body is well toned and muscular. He sports a white tank top with army camouflage pants. Brown worn leather gloves can easily be found on his hands. He carries a coal black colored desert eagle on his right side. Name: Jarvis Wolfeburge Age: 36 Biography: Jarvis Wolfeburge grew up raised by a true German family unlike Erika. They where pure blood and kept it that way. They were remnants of the old world when German's were either feared or hated due to the war across the ocean. His family was descended from a German officer to be exact. Did his family agree with the way no, but they fought in it anyways with pride and glory to Germany. Like his father he grew to be quite huge and with a dark loud voice to go with it. With his father's blessing he joined the united states military. He did not go in as a marine like Erika though. He went in as a soldier for it's army. Through rough training and persistence he became part of a tank crew and was assigned to a army base in northern Kentucky. Appearance: Stands at 5'8" and has brownish skin. His hair is short and black and often hidden with a fairly large turban. His face neatly shaven but a five o'clock shadow can still be clearly seen. He has a light build but can still easily handle himself. His eyes dark like most of his kinsmen. He carries two things and that is his Dragonov sniper rifle and his large curved blade. Name: Baki Bahadir Biography: Baki is your typical sleeper cell agent of a terrorist group from the middle east. However, all his views and desires changed when the black serpents came and killed several of his family and friends. Very quickly those he saw as his enemies became friends with him. He soon found Jarvis and teamed up with him to try and survive this. All he cares about right now is his survival and he is willing to go anything to do it.