Remus and Zuromon wandered about the forest in a clockwise fashion, circling around where they left the teasing creature and the rest of the group, that way they would be able to spot the boy who wandered off without getting completely separated from the rest of the group while at least attempting to search for there missing companion. [color=lightblue] "Despite making such a big deal about it I guess I was not all that prepared for a search and possible rescue huh?"[/color] [color=lightcoral] "In all honesty I would not have really even thought of bothering, Sure that Dracmon was getting on my nerves-" [/color] Remus smirked and thought about bringing up the notion that judging by Zuromon's somewhat gelatinous nature if she even had nerves to be bothered but he kept it to himself since if anything it might affect her feelings. [color=lightcoral] "Our chances of getting lost in our search where quite high, especially for a person we know little about." [/color] [color=lightblue] "I suppose I thought about that possibility and the more we are out here I realize that it was not the most well thought out plan but if we did find him gratification can certainly-" [/color] [color=lightcoral] "Hush pet! I think I heard something!"[/color] [color=lightblue]"Oh I'm the pet!? Your the one-"[/color] [color=lightcoral]"I said hush pet!"[/color] Zuromon hissed and with that Remus decided to zip his lips. Coming into View was Alan and his creature, seemingly unharmed, Remus wanted to call out or say something but Zuromon seemed cross with him already just for being out here so he kept quite even in his approach back to the clearing where Dracmon and the others gathered. The duo leaned up against a tree and awaited for the Dracmon to regail them with more taunts but hopefully something worth listening to.