What he/she/they/it/them said ^ [hider=A CS] [b]Name:[/b] Niel Grace [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender: [/b]Male. Appearance:[img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs4/i/2004/244/6/c/Bard.jpg[/img] [b]Personality: [/b]Care free, fickle, and frivolous. Niel tends not to care too much for the serious side of things. He likes having fun and doesn't tend to think things through very much. Of course that leads to him being quick on his feet, mentally speaking. Niel can come up with a nickname for anybody upon making eye contact, though it may not be a very good one and they probably won't like it. Likewise he gets bored quickly and he enjoys challenging both himself and others. Obviously Niel doesn't put much stock in the opinions of others mostly because he thinks that they don't apply to him. [b]History:[/b] Niel was born into what could generously be called a poor family. Dirt poor may have been more accurate. Despite this his parents did a remarkable job of feeding and clothing their kids, as well as making sure they attended school. The last of three Niel was given the most worn out of the hand me downs and had to deal with the reputation of his older brothers at school. That is to say trouble makers, defiant, and generally a pain to deal with. And it was deserved. Niel quickly fit into the mold he was given, having no say in it otherwise. However, unlike his brothers, he did manage to find something he was good at. Preforming. Sadly that was about it. His memory was atrocious, particularly for names. Names were such silly abstract things, he could never remember them. As soon as a person was out of sight so was their name. Niel compensated by just giving people nicknames. This was he didn't even have to remember faces, which was also mildly difficult with no names to associate them with. Just give someone a nickname every time you meet them, doesn't matter if its the same one or a new one. To his credit even with his inability to remember nearly anything that didn't require physical activity beyond writing Niel made it all the way to highschool before dropping out his junior year. Then he went on a road-trip, hitchhiking, begging, playing, and dancing to get where he needed to go and get food in his belly. He made enough to get by and got to travel around a lot, sometimes he stayed in a town for a few months, sometimes for a few days. Then one day he had found that someone had put a die inside the hat he put out for money. He'd gotten some weird stuff, but never a die before... [u]Specializations[/u] [b]High 30, Performer:[/b]Niel is good at dancing in most of its forms and acting, imitating voices and such with ease. He's fairly good at reading audiences as well. [b]Average 25, Body: [/b]Niel has always had a strong body, lean, but with some muscle to back it up. Most of his strength lies in his flexibility but he can do a pull up or punch someone in the face if he needed too. Breakdancing isn't easy you know! [b]Low 22, Slight Of Hand:[/b]Niel has nimble fingers and is adept at using them to sneak thing into or out of places. He can mask his movements with ease and can preform several magician tricks to amaze. [u]Imperfections[/u] [b]High 10, Memory:[/b] Niel has the darndest time trying to remember anything he isn't very interested in and even then its difficult. He doesn't even bother with names and his retention of anything else is about as bad [b]Average 15, Appearance: [/b]Niel literally wears a patchwork cloak that some might call charming, while others might call a hack job. Plus his opportunities to wash it and himself are few and far in between and he doesn't always sleep in the nicest places so... [b]Low 18, Knowledge: [/b]While Niel has some basic schooling and can just manage writing and reading, that's about the extent of his knowledge. Niel can't read very fast at all and doesn't have very much 'book knowledge'. Tasks other regard as simple may be rather difficult for him. Any monetary transactions are carefully thought out before hand so that Niel can write down the math and work it out. [b]Other:[/b] Candy's nasty. And bad for you. So are drugs.[/hider]