The guard cried out in shock as a war axe appeared as the redguard wielding it's invisibility potion wore off. His cry was cut short as the axe found its mark, easily cutting through his armour. "FOR DAWNGUARD!" An archer roared, and Drakus turned to him as he threw down his bow and charged the vampire lord with his war axe gripped tightly. The vampire lord raises an arm almost lazily, and used blood magic to drain the man's energy. He kept coming, growing slower and more sluggish with each step, until just before he reached Drakus, the axe slipped from his hands and he fell to the ground, dead. A sharp stinging sensation pierced Drakus' side, and he looked down, letting out a dreadful screech. A crossbow bolt in sticking out of his hip. He looks up and sees a nord furiously attempting to reload his crossbow. Drakus is faster though, and throws himself across the room at him, wrapping his wings around him as he sinks his fangs into the nord's neck, ripping out his throat, and letting the dead man fall to the ground. Looking down at the chaos around him, Drakus lets a small hiss spiral out of his lips. He raises both hands, and the archer and nord slowly raise to their feet, the archer picking up his fallen axe, and the archer drawing a sharp dagger from his belt. They both lumber forward towards their still living brothers, their bodies under the command of the vampire lord.