Okay, the IC is up and this RP has officially begun! You guys can begin posting as soon as you are able. Now what I've done is simply give context to your actions as your characters are not strictly bound by the narrative so to speak. I've referenced a certain player character in my opening post and that person will have free reign to respond as they wish. This is going to be how you guys push the story instead of me just dictating all the plot points. From here on out, I'll have the narrative responding the actions you guys take. The only thing I ask is that if you intend to do something truly crazy and off the wall, PM me first so I don't get shell shocked by it and can plan an appropriate shift if necessary. Oh yeah, I didn't put it in the rules because I figured it was common sense, but don't control other player characters besides your own unless you have permission from that player. Obvious, I know. Other than that, I'm gonna stop insulting your intelligence now (really, this is the advanced section after all lol) and let you guys get to posting.