[quote=@Rhymer] Whenever the alien master race crashed. Totally open to mytho-historical relations. I like the rationale you use for your Oqers having evolved to become something new on Azoth. [/quote] I was thinking that the Oqer was once just cloned workers and such for the Old Ones. However, once the OOs found about your race having crash landed, they didn't know what the hell they were dealing with so they just slightly altered the Oqers to be soldiers to try and eradicate your aliens. Clearly, they didn't do that great of a job. Rushing up to modern times, I was wondering if you'd be interested in a relation of one of these: 1) The Oqer still hold a dislike or hatred of the aliens due to genetic encoding by their creators that still linger, leading them to still wanting to fight your aliens. 2) The Oqer simply lacking any real attitude towards your aliens. They know your race exists, they know they've fought before on behalf of their masters but don't really care any more. 3) The Oqer see your aliens as "liberators" in some way since they thought your aliens some how "freed" them by "destroying the oppressors".