[@Rhymer] AHHH! You literally beat me to the horrible giant bug punch. Good work, sir. I love the buggy nastiness. My faction will have some of that too, and we should def. collaborate on history. [quote=@ClocktowerEchos] [@Flagg]For my own sheet, would it be okay if I said that originally my guys (whose name I might change) were originally vat-grown laborers and soldiers but since have "evolved" into more natural means of reproduction. But they still see the buildings where their ancestors as holy sites where they still use what knowledge they have left to create animals for food and for mounts. They've also tried to re-clone themselves like their ancestors did to create them but keep failing since they don't actually know enough about both the machinery and themselves to produce clones, creating what's basically the Ferals on my current NS. [/quote] Yes that sounds good. In general, let's leave details about the Old Ones and genetics etc etc fairly vague. The oqer may have folk traditions and half-remembered myths about their origins, and an ancient enmity with the nasty bug monsters, but lets leave the details of what *actually* occurred in the distant past obscured by the mists of time. Also- suggestion: you may want to check out the Red Pantheon information in the OP. Seems like good potential there for religion for the oqer.