I made up my post, at this point I think the forum would have us play out the details through PM. Oh and by the way, if that is a challenge, on Nadine's behalf, I say challenge accepted! Lol "XD Toilet seat up is one thing. Leaving the cap off the toothpaste is an atrocity! I checked it out now and it definitely has that theme of movie score music. I am not too big into stuff like this although it is nice to change life up. I should try working out to stuff like this, hehehe... Wonder how well that would go. At work for my coworker's warm up to seeing Star Wars on opening day, we had the Pandora channel set to Star Wars scores. Oh boooy, was that a bit dramatic to tattoo with THAT in the background. I think I was doing a couple of small tattoos but it sounded so momentous with an orchestra theming it lol.