"Before we send you off to explore the campus I have a small announcement to make!" Yang said into the microphone as she took out her pda. She presses a button on her PDA causing a screen to pop up above her head. "At this moment I will be announcing the teams for you first years!" Yang calls out as she brings up 4 boxes on the screen, each box has a face blacked out. "The first team to announce this year is comprised of... Johnny Greyson! Alice Naomi! Kenneth Ironside! and Zena Lavinia!" She said as the four blacked out boxes revealed the following students faces "Together they are Team JAKZ! Led by Johnny Greyson!" The four faces were swept aside as four new boxes were brought up. "Next we have... Celia Garrett! Seth Rush! Weston Kaiser! and Vivianne Gaia! The boxes did the same thing earlier and revealed the following faces "Together they are Team CSWV! Led by Ceria Garrett" The boxes were swept aside as again new ones were revealed "Next we have... Galiden Zane Scarlet! Lán Yuèliàng Lóng! Dante Winfield! and Nerys Windrum! Together they are Team GLDN! Led by Galiden Zane Scarlet!" Yang said as the final(in terms of us) faces were revealed. This process continued as the last remaining teams were announced. "That will be all for this years orientation! Be sure to go an explore the campus with your team! Your teams dorm rooms have been sent to your PDA's! That concludes this orientation! Again lets start this year off with a Yang!" Yang exclaimed as the students clapped and cheered. Soon after students began to get up and walk out of the auditorium and meeting up with their fellow team members. "Phew! Better go find my teammates. Hope they didn't leave already." Gali said as he quickly jumped up top above the seats to search for his teammates in the crowd. (NOTE: JAKZ = Jacks, CSWV = Swive or as I call it Swift, and GLDN = Golden. Also yes there will be some npc teams)