Rowena stopped mid turn, intending to lead them down the conjoining hallway. "[color=F7941D]How do we know we can or even should trust you?[/color]" She was silent for a moment before a conceding sigh left her lips, "[color=6D7B8D]I suppose there's no way of truly [i]knowing[/i]... but maybe I can entrust you with a secret of mine? In exchange for a moment of your time to explain?[/color]" She waved aside her cloak and pulled a small cloth from her satchel. As she did so, her cloak was jostled just enough to reveal the long sword resting at her opposite hip as well as the finely made leather armor she wore. She brought the cloth to one ear, running it along the edges as if she was trying to wipe something stubborn off of her skin. As she removed the cloth, her long, unmistakably elven ear was revealed. She quickly did the same with the other ear, leaving a black, powdery looking substance with a glittery sheen all over the tip of the cloth. "[color=6D7B8D]Will this suffice?[/color]" Rowen asked, her lips twitching into a coy smile. Saevel had told her that revealing her identity should be enough to ensnare their trust. "[i]Or at least their curiosity,[/i]" he'd added. "[color=6D7B8D]There is much I need to tell you all... about your unique abilities. Where they came from and why you have them...,[/color]" Rowena trailed off, looking apologetic, "[color=6D7B8D]But it would be best if we found the others first.[/color]"