When Meryn peered through the magus lens to see the scene below, she felt her breath stop in her chest. It was just a tiny moment, a pause in her heartbeat as her lips parted. And then time hiccuped back into place and the air in her lungs released. Seeing her companions' dreams… they were beautiful, each of them. They fit so well, and yet all seemed to catch her off guard as Meryn saw them glisten in the air. It felt… intimate. Almost intrusive, as though she had no right to witness things so personal and unique. And yet Meryn was still endlessly grateful for the opportunity. She took her time, cataloguing each one. Alex's explosive passion, Emma's quiet tenderness, Lily's rich maturity, Kelsier's measured focus, and Spook's… nothing. Her eyebrows pulled together at that. Where were the Traveller's dreams? He had to have at least one, didn't he? New questions piled on top of old ones Meryn had already collected concerning their mysterious guide. Was it because of those runes stained across his skin? His mask? What if he was something… else? Something unseeable by the magus lens? Meryn's face pinched more in concentration as she pulled the trinket away from her face. She looked again down at the scene, now devoid of the fantastical manifestations. Meryn was too far away to hear what they were saying, and the only one facing in her direction was Spook. His mask gave her no clue as to what was being discussed. But she watched the body language change, saw how the mood so subtly tensed. Alex had stopped throwing punches, at least. Meryn forced herself to her feet, grimacing at the pain but otherwise ignoring it. She glanced over her shoulder at the bird. Her head bobbed in thanks and a small, crooked smile appeared on her face. Then she scooped up the annoyed felidrake – claws and all – and plodded back down the hill. She'd spent long enough perched up there. Best to get back to the group. Slipping the magus lens in her bag, she listened to the muffled sounds of the bell under her jacket. She reached the group as Spook finished his ominous speech, coming to stand a bit behind Lily. What had he said? Something about a disease? Meryn's eyebrows pulled together again and she glanced from Alex to the caged felidrake and back to Spook. Then she looked down at the lethargic creature in her hands. Now, Meryn didn't trust Spook as far as she could throw him. Not since he'd remained an enigma to the magus lens, and [i]certainly[/i] not since that stunt with the serpent monster. But if he knew more about this disease that was threatening Enn, then it seemed wise to defer to him. She gave a short whistle from her spot behind the group to get his attention. Though of course, it was impossible to tell behind that mask of his. Her eyes were narrowed a bit as she focused on him, still trying to figure out who he was underneath everything else. She raised the felidrake a bit in a silent question.