[center][h3][color=purple]~Student President Akuma~[/color][/h3][/center] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/fLjYqlT.gif[/img][/center] [hr] [color=purple]“Karasu? What, you mean like a crow?”[/color] Prez Akuma was really not in the mood for too many fantastic happenings today. As Student President, she had volunteered to stay in the gymnasium with everyone else; partly because it was her duty to look after the others and partly because she had spent the rest of the night putting up those informational flyers. So she was quite tired when Harumi spoke to her, eager to meet their third roommate. Akuma briefly wondered why she had even paired herself with this girl… [color=purple]“Ara, Ara, someone’s a little excited to start school,”[/color] Akuma sighed, following Harumi with a yawn. Even with her tired demeanor, she tried her best to keep an image of coolness and an intimidating presence. After all, she had to keep everyone in check as the Student President while also looking good in doing so. Eventually though they found the other girl that was to be their roommate.Grinning coyly, Akuma flipped her hair back and gave this Akemi a sultry look. It almost seemed as if stage lights had shined down upon her, highlighting her features and displaying an image of utter, near-perfect coolness. [color=purple]“Kukuku, such an eager soul you are Masuko-san. My, you’re almost as eager as poor Harumi here~ The name’s Prez Akuma, though you already knew that right? A pleasure to meet you dear. Now then, you and Harumi are truly blessed to be paired with my presence,”[/color] Akuma announced haughtily, trying her very best to remain in her “cool” pose. However, Akuma soon tensed her body and a real frown crossed her features. She turned behind her, glaring at the empty hall. Already she could sense the seeds of rebellion springing up in the hearts of the youth…how dare they not follow protocol? The Student President’s eyes glimmered red just once before she turned back smiling to Harumi and Akemi, as if nothing had happened. In actuality, she had split herself off to confront these who she deemed to be future troublemakers. Taking the form of black crows, the two birds split off and soon morphed into the shape of Akuma. Walking confidently, they each located their targets and strolled up to reprimand them: Eiko and Yoshior respectively. [color=purple]“Ara, Ara, and what do you two think you’re doing? Not planning to skip out on class I hope, yes?”[/color] they asked their targets, a dark aura rising from their bodies. [hr] [center][h3][color=pink]~Dana~[/color][/h3][/center] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/WhT0p1y.gif [/img][/center] [hr] [color=f49ac2]“I wonder if the Prez needs me right now,”[/color] Dana said aloud to herself, already getting dressed in her dorm room. Boss had ended up spending the night, getting a little too close for comfort; it was a good thing she had a private dorm just like the Prez, otherwise she would have some explaining to do. Still, she was always one to get up early, if only to make sure Prez’s scheduling went well. [color=f49ac2]“You know you can’t just stay in my room forever. It’s called school Boss,”[/color] Dana called out, trying to adjust her school tie while looking at herself in the mirror. It didn’t help that the bathroom counter was a little too high for her and she struggled on her tip-toes to get a higher look. [hr] [center][@KoL], [@McFazzer], [@Spriggs27], [@WaddleDaisy], [@demonspade64][/center]