[center]|~17:15-17:33 GST~| |~Corr, Prison Complex~|[/center] Corr watched as the troopers carried the Jedi away, slightly annoyed that they ignored him, but what do you expect from medics. Too humanitarian for his taste. He much preferred medical droids. The rest of the Jedi, including the blonde one that just got up, seemed extremely on edge. Corr studied his stance. He had seen it in some of the other sith, a stance used, but not the most popular. He couldn't quite place a name on it, but he held himself with confidence and experience. The echani in the back seemed ready for a fight and the others looked incredibly on edge. Calmly he responded "The Sith have ways of extracting information without even touching them, Jedi. I wasn't planning to touch your young friend, but since you so kindly offered, I have no qualms about taking you with me." He gave a grin as he finished the sentence, he had been itching to test out his ability to induce fear in people, though he figured this Jedi would be a much larger challenge the the younger one. He seemed to be only a little older than Corr, but something told him he was a handful either way. He was beginning to like the blonde one less and less has he studied him more. There was just something about him that rubbed him the wrong way. He stood to the side as a new pair of troopers entered the complex. "If you would so kindly come with us then, we can talk about all kinds of things." The troopers moved to either side of the blonde and loaded their blasters menacingly. Though Corr doubted the move had much effect, he always enjoyed the sound. He was certain that this smug Jedi knew he was more valuable alive than dead, but he would soon have him begging by way of the force. Corr swept his hand in a motion as to say 'After you.'