Kevin has just taken a little sip from the drink before he sees Blanka destroying his phone. He looks Blanka with terrified glance. -Do you realize what you have done!? You A-T-E. M-Y. P-H-O-N-E! Kevin shouts at him. -I'll leave after I drink this! He continues and points his drink. He is so angry that he drinks it once and for all. The alcohol. -...But I would take another round. And why would I leave if there was a cutie like you in here? He says while pointing at Blanka with a not-so-steady hand. He hears Lyke's words and reads the room number. Then Nai takes it from him. He thankfully remembers the number. -What's wrong with him? He then opens his mouth to the bartender and says: -Hey! Some strong drinks here! Vodka, maybe. With TWO UMBRELLAS! He says while looking at Blanka like the umbrellas were some kind of competition. The bartender brings him some vodka. He clears it fast, and he looks at Blanka. -Hey handsome... Would you like to have some fun today with me? Only we [i]two[/i].