Ka'ava almost cried out in relief as the war axe found its mark, but her victory was short lived. For when she overpowered the vampire, she saw two of her brethren, now dead, shuffling towards her and two other of her brood. They were the only ones left of the group alive. A Dunmer and a Brenton. They were backed up against the wall, weapons at the ready. Ka'ava gripped her war axe tightly, gritting her teeth. The Dunmer held an enchanted crossbow, aiming it at the undead of their group. The brenton held a war hammer. Ka'ava couldn't resist staring into their eyes. Eyes that a few minutes ago were alive. But now, the light in them was dim, nothing was left of them. The choking scent of blood and flesh of her brothers and sisters filled her nostrils now, making her want to puke. She knew the battle was lost. There was no way that they'll win now; in a castle full of these monsters. How stupid she had been to believe that her idiotic little sneak attack would work. But by the divines, she would not go down so easily. The desire for revenge washed over her, the desire was very strong, almost clouding her judgement. The Redguard let out a scream, launching herself at the zombies that had once been her companions, her friends with absolutely no mercy. Everything that they once were, was gone now. That was what she told herself. The Brenton and the Dunmer shook themselves out of their shock and aided her.